Sunday, December 20, 2009

Our Van Was Totaled Today

We lost our 15 passenger van today...the only car we have that holds us all...and just two days before we are suppose to leave to spend Christmas with my family!!! It's gone! You are not going to believe how it happened either. Thank the LORD, no one was hurt!
Steve and Aiden took the van into town to get it cleaned for our trip.Steve called me and sounded shocked. He said "You are not going to believe this, but the car wash just totaled our van." I couldn't believe him at first. He and Aiden were eating in the car wash cafe when the manager came to their table and asked if he owned a green van. Steve said yes, and the manager told him there had been a major accident and to come with him.
The guy driving it out of the car wash somehow said the accelerator "got stuck" (NOT). Out of control, he hit a Suzuki SUV (it looked ruined as well), before whipping our van around and running over a very large street light...PULLED THE WHOLE THING OUT OF THE GROUND! If you look you can see the street lamp under the front part of the car and the back wheel was finally stopped by the concrete light post block that was literally pulled out of the ground!Yes, I'm thankful that no one was hurt, but Steve and I are in shock and have no idea how we will replace our van. The insurance will only give us what it is worth...not what it will cost to buy another one.
We are praying that we can rent a van and still get to my family's house when we were planning. I know many of you are praying for us and I am grateful for this.
Do you know what my oldest son, Jace, who is 20, said..."Mom, something major always happens when ya'll bring another child home."

"Lord, in all things we thank you....even this."


  1. Oh Shonnie! What a strange thing to happen. God will provide! What responsibility does the car wash claim since they clearly are responsible?

    Praying you get new wheels soon! Love you guys!

  2. I am so sorry this happened. I will pray that everything will be worked out and that your van will be replaced soon.

  3. I'm so glad your all OK.

    Your insurance though is not responsible the car wash is and they will have to replace it. Fight it because they would have to have insurance to cover it. My husband is an auto tech and at times people he has worked with have totaled cars and it's the companies fault not yours. They should alos pay for a remtal until they can get it replaced. Good luck!

  4. Oh my gosh, my friend, I cannot even believe that happened. What an attack against your family. I'm soooo thankful that Steve and Aiden we unharmed. PTL!
    I know our Father is going to provide in a miraculous way for you to get another van. I just know it. I know this has not taken Him by surprise and He is ALREADY working behind the scenes on your behalf! Can't wait to hear how He does it :)

  5. Shonni-
    I've been lurking here for a while on your blog, learning so much from your family and loving your stories, hearts for God, and for adoption!
    I just have to share because we just totaled our van on Wednesday ( I feel your pain and confusion, and am standing with you knowing that God will bring good out of this situation, crazy as it is! Praying your insurance covers a rental for you so you can be on your way to your family...and the car wash should cover what your insurance won't to get a new van! Merry Christmas!

  6. I can't believe it, what terrible timing! I'm so sorry Shonnie. Praying you still get to go on your trip to visit family!

  7. I am so sorry to hear this. What a frustration it is for you ( & such bad timing). Praise God no one was hurt. Hope you can find another one quickly & for the right price.

  8. So glad no one was hurt.

    The car wash has to carry insurance to indemnify its employees. This employee was acting within the scope of his employment and the car wash is liable for his actions. They will need to replace your van.

    Hope you are able to carry on with Christmas as planned.


  9. Oh Shonni, that's awful!! I'm so sorry. I will be lifting you up in prayer.

  10. First, I am so glad no one was hurt and second, I am so sorry for your van! Wow! I will be praying that you find a great van at a great price to either rent or buy so you can go on your trip. God has something wonderful in store! God BLess and Merry Christmas!

  11. I am so sorry this happened- yes, it is the opposition attacking a happy family with a new child. Thank goodness no one was hurt. I hope they replace it quickly so you can continue on with your holiday plans. Bless your sweet family

  12. What a big bummer! I will be praying that this is settled quickly for you.

  13. I am so sorry. I feel your pain. Our van was totaled yesterday! Except we were in it. The hand of the almighty was on us though and with the exception of bumps and bruises and some whiplash, we are all fine. I saw your blog on "Miscellaneous musings of a 5x mom" and the title of you post caught my eye. I will pray for you and your precious family to find a way to go on your trip. take care and MERRY CHRISTMAS!

  14. What the enemy means for harm, God will use for the good of those who love Him!! I can't wait to see him unfold his plan - he will bless your socks off :)

  15. Oh my sorry this happened. Even if it was satanic warfare, I am reminded of what Joseph said to his brothers, "What you meant for evil, God meant for good." Trusting that God will bring GOOD from this.

  16. thanking God you are all OK!

    i say the same thing - it starts a month before the child even comes home. the attacks begin and we bear down in prayer!

    praying over you!

    love and hugs,

  17. I agree with Adeye...what an attack on your family. I read somewhere that spiritual warfare might increase just before or after you bring an adopted child home, because of what you are taking them out of. Praise the Lord that our God always wins those battles. I'm glad everyone's safe and sound. Praying for you to get a new vehicle soon.

  18. Shonni, I'm sure that it feels like "stuff" just keeps coming at you lately. Just want to encourage you with the truth that our God is always with us, He always has our good in mind, and He is always able to accomplish it, even out of what seems chaos! Praying for your peace of mind in all of this, and of course, for a great new vehicle for your family. Keep looking up!

  19. So sorry to hear about your van.The most important thing is that no one was hurt, thank God. You've had a lot to deal with and at times it seems like when it rains it pours, but we know that God is in control and He has you covered under his umbrella of protection. Praying for your family.

  20. Wow! Unbelieveable. Tell us when you find out the whole story. {besides the enemy's futile attacks}

  21. What an unbelievable story!! I am so sorry for you all and will pray for God's "something better" to arrive on your doorstep really soon!!!

    Amazing pictures! That guy must be feeling awful!

  22. Praying blessing upon your family! Praying God provides in miraculous ways for a new van and a trip to visit family!


  23. Hi there friend. I am so sorry. The enemy always attacks--"be alert." Our son Ezekiel broke his arm three days before we were going to pick up our new son.

  24. Oh, Shonni, this is unbelievable! I'm so sorry...but so relieved that none of your family was involved. Praying you get to make the planned trip for Christmas.

  25. Oh Shonni

    I am sorry. I am glad I read the latest post saying you found one to rent (yeah God!)

    Praying that God...your Jehovah Jireh will provide a new vehicle that will perfectly fit your family.

    Have a wonderful Christmas friend! I love you Shonni...xoxoxo

    mama to 7
    one homemade and 6 adopted

  26. Oh I am so sorry about this! Praise God for your providing a vehicle for your trip. Praying!!!

    ((((Hugs and Love)))

  27. No problem.... no miracle! This sounds like a miracle in the making story. Can't wait until you post what God does through it all :)

  28. Isn't it wonderful that your son, Jace recognizes spiritual warfare when he sees it? My older 2 kids have learned to recognize it as well! When we began our last adoption, the attack began even before I had a chance to fill out the adoption application. The house burned down, which was only one of our major adoption attacks.

    So I get it.

    God will restore what you have lost and not only restore it but it will be better.



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