Poor little Alia had an abscess tooth pulled yesterday...however, a scoop of mint chocolate chip ice cream helped!!! In fact, I did something CRAZY yesterday and had ONLY chocolate chip ice cream for my lunch. I must confess...it was yummy.
Well, back to Caresse...she has a large mushroom shaped bone growth under her should blade that has grown through her muscles and is pushing against the back of her rib cage. This is what is causing a “hunch back” effect on her shoulder. Our surgeon wants another surgeon (the Dr. who has worked on her legs) to look at the results before a decision is made about the course for surgery. We will see her October 31st. I hate that it is so late out, but we couldn’t get a sooner appointment.
My precious Caresse just ran in crying with a wasp sting! Poor thing. I quickly mixed a little water and charcoal powder and put that on the sting to remove the poison. After 15 or so minutes I put a poultice of plantain on the sting to help relieve the pain. If you have never used natural herbs before, then the Bulk Herb Store is a wonderful resource.
I have something fun to show off in a few days...(well, I think it is fun).
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
It’s A Journey
My journey as a new knitter is teaching me something...
I must enjoy it as a journey,
or I will go crazy with all the mistakes I keep making.
It is very frustrating because I normally don’t know how to fix my mistakes and so I have to pull out the whole thing. However, after a week of that, I must find out how to fix things.
But for now, I keep telling myself that this is a journey;
of learning, breathing, slowing down, thinking, reflecting, enjoying the feel of rhythm in the needles and the softness of the yarn.
And I know that sounds beautifully poetic and all,
but I can also tell you that my more practical side is hoping that there will be an actual completed projected at the end of this journey.
Not good news on Caresse’s shoulder, but I have to run a little girl to the dentist with a tooth ache. So I’ll be back later with more.
loves to ya’ll this Tuesday.
I must enjoy it as a journey,
or I will go crazy with all the mistakes I keep making.
It is very frustrating because I normally don’t know how to fix my mistakes and so I have to pull out the whole thing. However, after a week of that, I must find out how to fix things.
But for now, I keep telling myself that this is a journey;
of learning, breathing, slowing down, thinking, reflecting, enjoying the feel of rhythm in the needles and the softness of the yarn.
And I know that sounds beautifully poetic and all,
but I can also tell you that my more practical side is hoping that there will be an actual completed projected at the end of this journey.
Not good news on Caresse’s shoulder, but I have to run a little girl to the dentist with a tooth ache. So I’ll be back later with more.
loves to ya’ll this Tuesday.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Come And Rest
Come Rest Awhile
by Lucy Maude Montgomery 1874-1942
Come rest awhile, and let us idly stray,
In glimmering valleys, cool and far away.
Come from the greedy mart, the troubled street,
And listen to the music, faint and sweet,
That echoes ever to a listening ear,
Unheard by those who will not pause to hear
The wayward chimes of memory's pensive bells,
Wind-blown o'er misty hills and curtained dells.
One step aside and dewy buds unclose
The sweetness of the violet and the rose;
Song and romance still linger in the green,
Emblossomed ways by you so seldom seen,
And near at hand, would you but see them, lie
All lovely things beloved in days gone by.
You have forgotten what it is to smile
In your too busy life-- come, rest awhile.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Solving The Puzzle Of Difficult Behavior
“The difficult history of these children (home through adoption) means that you, as a caretaker (mother or daddy), have to work harder to understand and address their unique deficits and make a conscious effort to help them learn the skills they need at home with a caring family.” The Connected Child
I was thinking, had of my biological child, Caresse, been adopted, no one would have known that our family has a history of bone growths that have caused problems for at least 4 generations, and effected dozens of our family members to varying degrees. Here is Caresse, and not only does she have them, but she has had them far worse than any of our family members that I’m aware of. It was helpful for me as her mother, to know about this medical history all along and to be on the look out for it.
As we bring home our children through adoption, there is so much that we can’t know...what was the birth mother’s diet like (YES, it does effect the overall health of the child), are there any past medical issues that would help us if we knew, what about birth trauma, how about the pain and fear of hunger, being alone, possible neglect, harder to imagine - abuse....
Each one of my children need me to mother them - period. What I must continue to pray and seek wisdom for the LORD on is WHAT do they need from me at this time in their lives. Caresse certainly needs a special understanding and empathy as we go to the doctor to find out the results of the CAT scan and the MRI tomorrow. She is so tender right now. Kalyn - 18, beautiful and looking for the LORD’s will for her future decisions. Jace, married but still loves to call and share his life with us. However, with my biological children, I was always there. From the time I knew I was pregnant till know, I have had an active part is their lives, their health, - their days.
But, for my children home through adoption, there are things that I don’t know. The LORD does though!!!
And I must respect that there are needs that will be different than the needs of my first three children.
“If you remain mindful of a child’s unique history and how early growth was disrupted, you can even admire the strength that allowed this little child to survive adversity and have compassion for the ongoing struggles he faces.” The Connected Child
I almost get tears as I think of my precious Noelani and Clive...so many years they have been alone, had no one, belonged to no one. I can never know what that feels like, because I have always BELONGED. I have always been loved and cared for. But now, my precious ones BELONG...they have each other, and soon they will have their family. How amazing to one day have no one, and then the LORD does something beautiful and they have a family.
So my thoughts are busy looking into what we can do to help Aiden with the SPD, and preparing to bring home our two (praying before Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!!)
And today, I want to re-remind myself to have compassion for the struggles that all of my children face and to walk beside them - what ever their pasts might have held.
I was thinking, had of my biological child, Caresse, been adopted, no one would have known that our family has a history of bone growths that have caused problems for at least 4 generations, and effected dozens of our family members to varying degrees. Here is Caresse, and not only does she have them, but she has had them far worse than any of our family members that I’m aware of. It was helpful for me as her mother, to know about this medical history all along and to be on the look out for it.
As we bring home our children through adoption, there is so much that we can’t know...what was the birth mother’s diet like (YES, it does effect the overall health of the child), are there any past medical issues that would help us if we knew, what about birth trauma, how about the pain and fear of hunger, being alone, possible neglect, harder to imagine - abuse....
Each one of my children need me to mother them - period. What I must continue to pray and seek wisdom for the LORD on is WHAT do they need from me at this time in their lives. Caresse certainly needs a special understanding and empathy as we go to the doctor to find out the results of the CAT scan and the MRI tomorrow. She is so tender right now. Kalyn - 18, beautiful and looking for the LORD’s will for her future decisions. Jace, married but still loves to call and share his life with us. However, with my biological children, I was always there. From the time I knew I was pregnant till know, I have had an active part is their lives, their health, - their days.
But, for my children home through adoption, there are things that I don’t know. The LORD does though!!!
And I must respect that there are needs that will be different than the needs of my first three children.
“If you remain mindful of a child’s unique history and how early growth was disrupted, you can even admire the strength that allowed this little child to survive adversity and have compassion for the ongoing struggles he faces.” The Connected Child
I almost get tears as I think of my precious Noelani and Clive...so many years they have been alone, had no one, belonged to no one. I can never know what that feels like, because I have always BELONGED. I have always been loved and cared for. But now, my precious ones BELONG...they have each other, and soon they will have their family. How amazing to one day have no one, and then the LORD does something beautiful and they have a family.
So my thoughts are busy looking into what we can do to help Aiden with the SPD, and preparing to bring home our two (praying before Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!!)
And today, I want to re-remind myself to have compassion for the struggles that all of my children face and to walk beside them - what ever their pasts might have held.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Journey With A New Knitter
I’ve been teaching myself a new skill, ya know, because I have SO much extra time. Ha-ha. Actually, I have always loved beautiful yarns and the look of knitting. So I bought a beginners knitting video and started learning this beautiful art. The cute thing is that three of my children have fallen in love with knitting also. The video that I got (at Amazon - here) has been a wonderful help to me and has also been a great help for the children.
Last night I jumped in with both feet (well, hands), and started a shawl.
I can’t even tell you how many times I cast on my yarn, knit a bit, messed up and then pulled it out to start over. Non-the-less, this morning, I started to get the hang of it. And I can tell you, I think I’m addicted to knitting.
And it’s all their fault.
I keeping thinking how fun it would be to learn to dye, spin and knit with my own yarn. And there is going to be an open house at the alpaca farm this Sunday. I can’t wait! The owner will be doing some fiber demonstrations! What fun!!!
Last night I jumped in with both feet (well, hands), and started a shawl.
I can’t even tell you how many times I cast on my yarn, knit a bit, messed up and then pulled it out to start over. Non-the-less, this morning, I started to get the hang of it. And I can tell you, I think I’m addicted to knitting.
And it’s all their fault.
I keeping thinking how fun it would be to learn to dye, spin and knit with my own yarn. And there is going to be an open house at the alpaca farm this Sunday. I can’t wait! The owner will be doing some fiber demonstrations! What fun!!!
Monday, September 19, 2011
I had an amazing trip, I went with my wonderful grandparents, uncle, aunt and cousin. Another amazing family, the Porters made up the rest of our team.
We divided up into three different teams, one team was a medical team, who did a great job taking care of people that came in with all sorts of medical issues.
Next was the eyeglass team, Doctor Rob would prescribe a prescription and then the people would walk out to a long table full of glasses that were lovingly donated where a match would be found. God was so good because rarely would a person have to leave without having their prescription filled.
The last team was a construction team, this clever, good looking, group was made up of just two people, my Uncle Kim (the clever one) and me (the cute one).
^Later that week we also fixed the roof on a house for a family of fifteen. We didn't do anything really big or grand or something that is going to impact thousands of people. But the whole point was to show them that we care for them, as individuals. That way over here in America they have brothers and sisters in Christ who are praying for them and who yearn to make a difference in their lives by one act of kindness at a time, for one family, one person, one child.
I had a wonderful time and was so blessed by the people that I went with and the people and friends that I made there. It was a very memorable trip and one that I would gladly do again.
And who knows, next year just might find me on a plane heading back to Guatemala...
Cannot Fail
When you don't give up you cannot fail --Derek Redmond.
I saw the above quote at Ann’s blog - Crazy For Kids. It was perfect since last week was another tough week for both Aiden and us. As he gets older I can see that the Sensory Processing - Sensory Seeking issues are also getting bigger. I started 1st grade with Alia and Joeliana, and Aiden jumped right into it with them, which I wasn’t quite expecting. I wasn’t sure if he would be ready yet. I was hoping that Corbin would join the girls, but HE is the one that isn’t ready. I don’t stress over a 6 year old not being ready for “formal” academics. There are plenty of fun ways to “teach” that do not need to be stressful to a child that isn’t ready for it yet.
Seeing Aiden in “school” mode though was also an eye opener. I sit here trying to find the words to describe what he does...there is so much energy in this little guy...no, not “energy", but ENERGY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great big bouncing off the ceiling intense energy. He would never make it in a public class room. I stay in a constant state of trying to direct this little darling adorable tornado in a positive way - which just isn’t possible, and it is exhausting. A few things happened last week that re-surfaced the need for me to find an Occupational Therapist and get the help that both Aiden and I need. Those who know Aiden all understand...he isn’t “bad” and nor have we neglected to discipline and train him. In fact Aiden has one of the most tender and loving hearts I’ve seen. It’s like the engine in a car - his behavior can quickly start running at 100mph, and he can’t get it to slow down. He literally craves and seems to need high-energy, high impact activity. And, of course there are situations daily that trigger immediate explosions of disorganized energy. Besides that, he is crazy strong for a 5 year old. And not afraid of anything.
I felt overwhelmed last week about how and where to get the help that we need and that is why that quote (and if you go to Ann’s blog, there is an awesome video story behind the quote), meant so much to me. Of course we wont “give up” or quite; we will pick ourselves up again, pray to the LORD for guidance and wisdom, and keep on walking beside our son until we cross the finish line. Because this little guy is worth it all!!!
(Look how hard he is trying - Precious One)
I saw the above quote at Ann’s blog - Crazy For Kids. It was perfect since last week was another tough week for both Aiden and us. As he gets older I can see that the Sensory Processing - Sensory Seeking issues are also getting bigger. I started 1st grade with Alia and Joeliana, and Aiden jumped right into it with them, which I wasn’t quite expecting. I wasn’t sure if he would be ready yet. I was hoping that Corbin would join the girls, but HE is the one that isn’t ready. I don’t stress over a 6 year old not being ready for “formal” academics. There are plenty of fun ways to “teach” that do not need to be stressful to a child that isn’t ready for it yet.
Seeing Aiden in “school” mode though was also an eye opener. I sit here trying to find the words to describe what he does...there is so much energy in this little guy...no, not “energy", but ENERGY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great big bouncing off the ceiling intense energy. He would never make it in a public class room. I stay in a constant state of trying to direct this little darling adorable tornado in a positive way - which just isn’t possible, and it is exhausting. A few things happened last week that re-surfaced the need for me to find an Occupational Therapist and get the help that both Aiden and I need. Those who know Aiden all understand...he isn’t “bad” and nor have we neglected to discipline and train him. In fact Aiden has one of the most tender and loving hearts I’ve seen. It’s like the engine in a car - his behavior can quickly start running at 100mph, and he can’t get it to slow down. He literally craves and seems to need high-energy, high impact activity. And, of course there are situations daily that trigger immediate explosions of disorganized energy. Besides that, he is crazy strong for a 5 year old. And not afraid of anything.
I felt overwhelmed last week about how and where to get the help that we need and that is why that quote (and if you go to Ann’s blog, there is an awesome video story behind the quote), meant so much to me. Of course we wont “give up” or quite; we will pick ourselves up again, pray to the LORD for guidance and wisdom, and keep on walking beside our son until we cross the finish line. Because this little guy is worth it all!!!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
From My Journal
I was reading in James 2 this morning and started thinking on the idea from verses 14 - 26; especially “...faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.” I don’t know why, but I began to think of a tree, so I drew a dead tree (on the left) and an alive tree (right). By the way, my parents are artistic - I know that I’m not - LOL.
Any way, I think better when I can “see” something so this helped me think through dead faith and living faith. I want to be sure that my faith is living and vibrant...visible to all. So what does this look like in the “todays” of my life?
Frist, for me to actively live faith, I must have no doubt in the promises of the LORD. One that I was reminded of earlier this week is from Eph. 6:8 “... knowing that whatever good anyone does, this he will receive back from the LORD...”. I know that many days we can become discouraged, tired, and overwhelmed. It helps me to remember, when I don’t feel like doing anything, to do the next good thing that needs to be done - cook supper, fix my African daughters hair (which takes so much time), clean a bathroom or bathe a child...what ever it is, the LORD sees and knows that I want to live a faithful life in the work that He has given me to do and He will give good back to me more than I can now know.
Second, a living faith must be a surrendered will. A verse that helped me on Monday was “Come unto Me and I will give you rest.” Will I give Him my concerns, fears and problems and surrender them all for deliverance from them? A quote that I love from O. Chambers is “We do not need to care what our circumstances are, Jesus is amply sufficient.” Yes, I must surrender MY will to Jesus for rest!
I was reminded of this next living faith principle today (this really is FIRST) in 2 Chronicles 34; part of the story of King Josiah. From verse 31 “And the king stood in his place and made a covenant before the LORD, to walk after the LORD and to keep His commandments and His testimonies and His statutes, with all his heart and all his soul, to perform the words of the covenant that were written in this book (the Torah).” I must, like King Josiah, have a wholehearted commitment to obey everything that is in the Bible. We must not just read it and walk away from it forgetting what it says. As James 1:25 says “But the one who looks into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres, being no hearer who forgets but a does who acts, he will be blessed in his doing.” I want to be blessed in my doing and I know that you do too!
See, faith without works (the evidence that we really believe) truly is dead, useless, of no value to yourself or anyone else. But, as we LIVE our faith each day, really live it out through WHAT we do, our faith produces life for us and for others. And also we can answer a very important question....
“WHY do you do what you do?”
As we grow closer to bring our two children home from China, I feel “pressured” by some expensive difficulties and other problems that we didn’t see coming a year ago. I still don’t SEE how it is all going to come together, yet would I change anything about bringing Noelani and Clive home? No, because we know that the LORD told us to do so, just like we knew with all of our other 11 children. God calls children a blessing. So when the trials come, they test our faith, which, if we allow, produces a patience that we must LIVE out (works) - (James 1:2-4).
Why do we do what we do?
Because we believe what He has said and that He is faithful in all things!!!! HE will provide for us. He has given us a good work to do, so today we LIVE for Him.
Any way, I think better when I can “see” something so this helped me think through dead faith and living faith. I want to be sure that my faith is living and vibrant...visible to all. So what does this look like in the “todays” of my life?
Frist, for me to actively live faith, I must have no doubt in the promises of the LORD. One that I was reminded of earlier this week is from Eph. 6:8 “... knowing that whatever good anyone does, this he will receive back from the LORD...”. I know that many days we can become discouraged, tired, and overwhelmed. It helps me to remember, when I don’t feel like doing anything, to do the next good thing that needs to be done - cook supper, fix my African daughters hair (which takes so much time), clean a bathroom or bathe a child...what ever it is, the LORD sees and knows that I want to live a faithful life in the work that He has given me to do and He will give good back to me more than I can now know.
Second, a living faith must be a surrendered will. A verse that helped me on Monday was “Come unto Me and I will give you rest.” Will I give Him my concerns, fears and problems and surrender them all for deliverance from them? A quote that I love from O. Chambers is “We do not need to care what our circumstances are, Jesus is amply sufficient.” Yes, I must surrender MY will to Jesus for rest!
I was reminded of this next living faith principle today (this really is FIRST) in 2 Chronicles 34; part of the story of King Josiah. From verse 31 “And the king stood in his place and made a covenant before the LORD, to walk after the LORD and to keep His commandments and His testimonies and His statutes, with all his heart and all his soul, to perform the words of the covenant that were written in this book (the Torah).” I must, like King Josiah, have a wholehearted commitment to obey everything that is in the Bible. We must not just read it and walk away from it forgetting what it says. As James 1:25 says “But the one who looks into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres, being no hearer who forgets but a does who acts, he will be blessed in his doing.” I want to be blessed in my doing and I know that you do too!
See, faith without works (the evidence that we really believe) truly is dead, useless, of no value to yourself or anyone else. But, as we LIVE our faith each day, really live it out through WHAT we do, our faith produces life for us and for others. And also we can answer a very important question....
“WHY do you do what you do?”
As we grow closer to bring our two children home from China, I feel “pressured” by some expensive difficulties and other problems that we didn’t see coming a year ago. I still don’t SEE how it is all going to come together, yet would I change anything about bringing Noelani and Clive home? No, because we know that the LORD told us to do so, just like we knew with all of our other 11 children. God calls children a blessing. So when the trials come, they test our faith, which, if we allow, produces a patience that we must LIVE out (works) - (James 1:2-4).
Why do we do what we do?
Because we believe what He has said and that He is faithful in all things!!!! HE will provide for us. He has given us a good work to do, so today we LIVE for Him.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
HELP - Their Chance Is Almost Gone!!!!
These three and six other children have one week to find their families before their files go back and their chances to have a family are pretty much gone forever. PLEASE help spread the word and pray for them all. These children and the other children can be seen on the ASIA blog. Several of the older children have grants also!! So please blog, facebook and all those other handy communication thingy’s and let’s help these precious ones find their forever families!!!
Monday, September 12, 2011
CT Scan...
Cat scan tomorrow on Caresse’s shoulder...
then a follow up appointment with the Dr. Tonight, I am so grateful for this Dr. that takes care of my family. He, Dr. T., has been a blessing from the LORD to us. I first “met” him in the emergency room, when I needed surgery on my hand after a traumatic accident that killed our dog and left me with two fingers that had severe nerve damage. This wonderful dr. put me back together those 10 years ago and has now taken care of Caresse and the bone growths that cause her so many problems since (in the upper half of her body...we have another blessing from the LORD...Dr. M, who takes care of the problems in Caresse’s legs).
Thank you for your prayers and comments today...I really need it right now and am so grateful. I will be praying for you also.
To the LORD be the glory...He reminded me today that He provides all that we need...I love Him so and can not imagine walking a day without Him!!!!!
Loves to you all and thank you again for your prayers, thoughts and comments. I am also so GRATEFUL for each of you!!!!!
then a follow up appointment with the Dr. Tonight, I am so grateful for this Dr. that takes care of my family. He, Dr. T., has been a blessing from the LORD to us. I first “met” him in the emergency room, when I needed surgery on my hand after a traumatic accident that killed our dog and left me with two fingers that had severe nerve damage. This wonderful dr. put me back together those 10 years ago and has now taken care of Caresse and the bone growths that cause her so many problems since (in the upper half of her body...we have another blessing from the LORD...Dr. M, who takes care of the problems in Caresse’s legs).
Thank you for your prayers and comments today...I really need it right now and am so grateful. I will be praying for you also.
To the LORD be the glory...He reminded me today that He provides all that we need...I love Him so and can not imagine walking a day without Him!!!!!
Loves to you all and thank you again for your prayers, thoughts and comments. I am also so GRATEFUL for each of you!!!!!
This wonderful moma, whom I admire so much, has written a very good post on some of the feelings our oldest children might have called “When older children don’t want you to adopt again...”. If you or some one you know might be encouraged by this post, then visit Jean.
I have a post running around my head...the enemy is trying to scare me..
but, I will have to post it in the next few days. Today we have an appointment for my darling little Caresse, who, yet AGAIN, is having bone growth where it shouldn’t be, this time in her shoulder. If you remember, she is the one who has had 5 surgeries on her legs, and right now has a plate in one leg because it was growing in a way that would cripple her. Today we will find out what is happening in her left shoulder.
Could I please ask for prayers in a few areas, and because I know I’m not alone, please leave anything in the comment section that you would like us to pray for. May we continue to lift each other up in prayer and encourage each other as we walk the LORD’s journey for us.
1st - or course, Caresse...she is very discouraged and “sick” of surgeries!!!
2nd - $$ for the adoption...we are needing to raise money for the last part of our adoption...travel, etc., and I’m not sure the best way to do this... we have put in several grants but nothing so far.
3rd - $$ in general...there are MANY things that have come up this year to make things hard...nuff said on that.
What can I pray for you?
Off to chase this pretty sun shiney Colorado day.
loves to you all.
I have a post running around my head...the enemy is trying to scare me..
but, I will have to post it in the next few days. Today we have an appointment for my darling little Caresse, who, yet AGAIN, is having bone growth where it shouldn’t be, this time in her shoulder. If you remember, she is the one who has had 5 surgeries on her legs, and right now has a plate in one leg because it was growing in a way that would cripple her. Today we will find out what is happening in her left shoulder.
Could I please ask for prayers in a few areas, and because I know I’m not alone, please leave anything in the comment section that you would like us to pray for. May we continue to lift each other up in prayer and encourage each other as we walk the LORD’s journey for us.
1st - or course, Caresse...she is very discouraged and “sick” of surgeries!!!
2nd - $$ for the adoption...we are needing to raise money for the last part of our adoption...travel, etc., and I’m not sure the best way to do this... we have put in several grants but nothing so far.
3rd - $$ in general...there are MANY things that have come up this year to make things hard...nuff said on that.
What can I pray for you?
Off to chase this pretty sun shiney Colorado day.
loves to you all.
Friday, September 9, 2011
Oh Silly, Silly Me
I was so excited when we got some easy, beginner basket making kits to use for the children’s school this year for one of our projects.
And since I have been sick with a bad cold, I thought that we would have an “easy” school day and do our basket projects. Six basket projects soaked in my bathtub as we watched our ocean video. I completely expected that the children would need help, but in my minds eye I figured I would get six children started on their baskets and them let them got for it, while I sat and rested.
You are probably guessing that it didn’t go that way. In fact at one point I looked around at the struggling TWO children and the reeds that were drying out and thought “I am in way over my head!!!” And on top of that, the little darlings were being anything but “darling”.
I re-soaked the dried out reeds that the 2 children needed for their baskets, not even caring about the rest that sat on the floor. Then pulled out the big guns for the little guys...
...reading with Kalyn and playing in the rice bin.
In my fevered induced, sickened mind, I still had hope that we were going to do SIX amazing basket projects before lunch. HAAAAA. It is 12:40 p.m. and lunch is just now happening. Do you want to know how many baskets are done?
ZERO. Yep, 0. Landon’s may get done before the end of the day. However, we bought the suckers and they will BE made...
may be another day. Now, how do I put that mess of reeds that are not rolled into their perfect little circular packages back up?
And since I have been sick with a bad cold, I thought that we would have an “easy” school day and do our basket projects. Six basket projects soaked in my bathtub as we watched our ocean video. I completely expected that the children would need help, but in my minds eye I figured I would get six children started on their baskets and them let them got for it, while I sat and rested.
You are probably guessing that it didn’t go that way. In fact at one point I looked around at the struggling TWO children and the reeds that were drying out and thought “I am in way over my head!!!” And on top of that, the little darlings were being anything but “darling”.
I re-soaked the dried out reeds that the 2 children needed for their baskets, not even caring about the rest that sat on the floor. Then pulled out the big guns for the little guys...
...reading with Kalyn and playing in the rice bin.
In my fevered induced, sickened mind, I still had hope that we were going to do SIX amazing basket projects before lunch. HAAAAA. It is 12:40 p.m. and lunch is just now happening. Do you want to know how many baskets are done?
ZERO. Yep, 0. Landon’s may get done before the end of the day. However, we bought the suckers and they will BE made...
may be another day. Now, how do I put that mess of reeds that are not rolled into their perfect little circular packages back up?
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
What A Perfect Unplanned Day
Our "day in the mountains” plan was cancelled on Monday when we woke up with two boys who weren’t feeling to good. But we figured we could still try to have some easier fun with our little darlings. So we set out for a nice miniature golf course. However, an adventure was waiting for us. We loaded up the car with happy children and a cooler full of hot dog goodies to cook along the way.
Not far from our house we began to see signs that an Alpaca farm was open to visitors, so we stopped there for a while
After our fun at the farm, we headed west to see something that I have always wanted to see, but never have in the 20 some odd years that I have lived here...
Finally, sometime in the late afternoon we made it to the miniature golf course.
Some time after 6:00, we drove back up the drive way that we had left earlier that morning with children ready for the hot dog roast that never happened because all the park grills were closed for fire ban reasons. (We did enjoy a taco for lunch to hold them over).
Goodness!!!! We ended up having a very long and fun day! And our little darlings were READY for bed. It was a perfect unplanned day!
Not far from our house we began to see signs that an Alpaca farm was open to visitors, so we stopped there for a while
The children loved feeding the Algerian Goats
The above is a two week old baby alpaca!
Isn’t this a beautiful chicken...I told Steve that I want one and he said he knew that was coming and then grumbling lovingly that the stupid thing didn’t lay eggs. LOL
After our fun at the farm, we headed west to see something that I have always wanted to see, but never have in the 20 some odd years that I have lived here...
The United States Air Force Academy Chapel!!!
It was so beautiful.
After some instructions and help from daddy, the children were ready to be divided between Team Mommy and Team Daddy.
Goodness!!!! We ended up having a very long and fun day! And our little darlings were READY for bed. It was a perfect unplanned day!
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