Friday, November 30, 2012

Lost In Life

Merry Christmas to all of you, my precious family and friends.

 We had such a wonderful time with my family from Texas for Thanksgiving.  I loved having all of my children together too!  I hope to get more pictures up soon.
I have been a little lost in living.  And then there seems to be so little time to sit and blog the way I want to.  I love sharing our story with you, and the LORD’s grace in our lives.  And I love reading your stories.  I am hoping that I can become more consistent here.
Till then, I pray that you all are enjoying this special time of the year with those that you love!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

What Am I Passionate About?

I’m going to do some confessing here.  
I have sinned big time against my LORD GOD.  I have often said that I am passionate for the cause of the children who live as orphans in this world.  And while I am deeply concerned and heart broken for the injustices done to them,
I have been wrong to say that.  And I must also apologize to you for setting such a poor example.

“Most Christians walk a fuzzy line between devotion to God and devotion to other things.” (One Year Devotion)

Our family has really been thinking on how we “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness”.   I am looking deep to see what little impurities I have decided I can live with.  
So I need to repent.  
What am I passionate about?
The Word Of God tells me very clearly where my devotion should be;
“Love the LORD your God with all you heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind.” Luke 10:27
And in Matthew, Jesus answered Satan’s temptation for his devotion by stating Deuteronomy,
“You shall worship the LORD your God and Him only shall you serve.”  
Let’s be passionate for the Kingdom of God!  

I am going through Matthew right now and writing down what Jesus reveals about the Kingdom of Heaven because God’s Kingdom is the one that we belong to, and if we are to be salt and light (Matt. 5) to our world, we need to make sure that we are representing His Kingdom in all that we say and do.  

We need to ask ourselves “What does the Kingdom of God look like and are we representing His Kingdom to our world?”  We need to search the Bible and be sure.  We need to ask some other questions too.
What impurities and compromises have I allowed that hinder my job to be salt and light? 
Am I teaching my children what His Kingdom looks like, or are they learning from a watered-down, confused culture?
When the LORD shows me a sin, am I going to be serious about changing it?  Or will I make excuses and continue to tolerate it?

What am I passionate about?

Saturday, November 10, 2012

A Little Time...

(Sweet Noelani learning how to card wool with me)
 Ya know, the Bible says in Ecclesiastes “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:”.  I’m thinking I need to share my “Mommy’s Time” with you all, “To every mother there is a season, and a time to every purpose, 
a time to cook, a time to eat cereal for supper; a time to wash windows, a time to let it go; a time to bathe children, and a time to let them play; a time to take a nap, a time to work; a time to listen to your child and a time to ask them to wait until you can; a time to teach and a time to be taught; a time to tickle and giggle, a time to hug the fears away; a time to watch the children grow and a time to pray for that growth; a time to enjoy the little one lying in your arms and a time to give them sweet kisses; a time to praise, a time to love; a time to cry and a time to laugh; a time to draw near, a time to let go; a time to grieve what has been lost and a time to rejoice in what is found; a time to pick up and a time to be picked up;
in all the seasons of my motherhood, one thing has remained the same - to serve and love the ones that the LORD has given to me.  To daily remember the gift that each of them is in my life; and to be faithful to the work that the LORD has asked me to do.  The LORD has given me the time to do this work and I want to be mindful of doing it well for HIM."
 I think for me right now, there is also a time to blog and a time to not blog (LIT-ER-ALLY - LOL).  I want to, but I honestly have just not been able to do so.  And I’m a little funny in that I really can’t stand to blog without pictures, and I have been to tired to even pull out my camera.  However, I did finally take a few pictures yesterday.
 I bought my 1st sheep fleece and we just had to get our hands in it and play.  

Happy weekend sweet ones ... I must run now, because
“There is a time to take a shower ...”  and it’s my time.
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