Monday, November 30, 2009
Update - from Kalyn
So Mamma is in Ethiopia right now with Keshawn most likely about to wake up soon. She says he is adorable and very precious. Thank you to every one who is praying for them and that every thing goes smoothly. We can't wait until Saturday when they come home and we all get o finally meet the newest addition to our family.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Finally on her way - from Kalyn
This morning Mamma left to go to Ethiopia and bring Keshawn home. She is on an airplane right now. So begins a long week of waiting and anticipation. Jace also leaves tomorrow so it will be just me and dad holding down the fort here. So please pray for mamma as she is traveling and in Africa by herself.
We had a wonderful thanksgiving with my dads family. I hope that you all had a wonderful thanksgiving as well.
We had a wonderful thanksgiving with my dads family. I hope that you all had a wonderful thanksgiving as well.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Pretty Crazy
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
So What Was That Urge...
Renata, I laughed at your comment, because, yes, I am major nesting and getting ready to bring my baby home and just love on him and my others! Another big day of cleaning, and I can now say that my house is perfect, you know, that lower standard of perfect when you are no longer the mother of one darling child (LOL...I am making fun of me, because I was ridiculous about my house being perfectly clean when I only had Jace...not so much any more).
Speaking of Jace, he is driving home even as I type and we can't wait to have a few days with him.

So, my urge yesterday, after working for 6 hours at cleaning the up stairs was for sugar cookies loaded with a ton of icing. So we got busy makin' em. Ahh, the sweet smell of those cookies as they came out of the oven....
The children and I were really looking forward to cookies, when I went for the powder sugar to make the icing and there was none.
Oh, poor naked cookies with no icing to hide em;
and poor hungry tummies with nothin inside em...
Steve came home with powder sugar and we finished the job today. And yes, I did eat one as soon as it was ready!!!
Aren't little hands with icing on them cute too!

Four days till I leave and I am really getting excited. Thanksgiving is here at our house, so that is keeping me busy and then Friday to just enjoy our family before leaving Saturday morning.
Thank you all for your support, prayers, and love.
Speaking of Jace, he is driving home even as I type and we can't wait to have a few days with him.

So, my urge yesterday, after working for 6 hours at cleaning the up stairs was for sugar cookies loaded with a ton of icing. So we got busy makin' em. Ahh, the sweet smell of those cookies as they came out of the oven....

The children and I were really looking forward to cookies, when I went for the powder sugar to make the icing and there was none.
Oh, poor naked cookies with no icing to hide em;
and poor hungry tummies with nothin inside em...
Steve came home with powder sugar and we finished the job today. And yes, I did eat one as soon as it was ready!!!
Aren't little hands with icing on them cute too!

Four days till I leave and I am really getting excited. Thanksgiving is here at our house, so that is keeping me busy and then Friday to just enjoy our family before leaving Saturday morning.
Thank you all for your support, prayers, and love.
Monday, November 23, 2009
I Have an Urge...
Sun Flare Fun
"Sun Flare" Photo Challenge
This weeks theme at I Heart Faces is Sun Flare, so I couldn't think of anything better than this beautiful picture of Kalyn.
This weeks theme at I Heart Faces is Sun Flare, so I couldn't think of anything better than this beautiful picture of Kalyn.
Visit I Heart Faces to see other wonderful sun flare photos. This is such a great way to learn from others!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Again...please read!
So much has been on my heart lately, but before I share some of those thoughts, I am again begging you to go...right now...and ready Linny's latest blog post.
She has shared some of the same thoughts I have had about the LORD's blessings to us as American's...
Please go read....
I'll share more of my heart tomorrow I pray...
She has shared some of the same thoughts I have had about the LORD's blessings to us as American's...
Please go read....
I'll share more of my heart tomorrow I pray...
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Please Pray - there is a war against the orphans and the families that love them
This is my sweet friend James from Canada. He loves children and always played with them when we were at the boys home! We met on our mission trip to Uganda. He and his wife, Cheremi are so precious and have such a huge love for helping others and a passionate devotion to their children! On this trip they decided to adopt a precious baby girl from Uganda and began the adoption process. After returning home they felt the LORD was calling them to adopt a baby boy from the same orphanage also. They went back to Uganda this last month to bring home their children, when all of a sudden they found out that the Canadian government will not issue their children visa's so that they can come home.
Linny has written a post about what is happening, so I am begging you to read her post and commit to praying and fasting for these beloved friends! We must stand together in this war against the children!
(I am using a picture that one of my fellow team members took...I'm sorry I don't know which one of you to give credit for)
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Amy's Blog Giveaway

Amy is doing a giveaway and guess what it is?
A beautiful necklace from one of my favorite places...Junk Posse - Oh, how I love her jewelry.
Tracy at Junk Posse created this brand new necklace and it is the big GIVEAWAY!
Its the Ethiopian Angel Wing necklace. ($80 value)
Artistic Tracy noticed that the country of Ethiopia is shaped like a wing... so she created this cute necklace!
So go visit Amy at Ethiopia or Bust to find out how to enter to win this beautiful necklace
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Hither and Yon
Isn't he cute?
So, my mind is "hither and yon" (Adeye and any one else not from Texas, that means "everywhere" and "no where"-LOL)
I'm distracted by the mice that are invading my home. They have NEVER been as bad as they are this year. They seem to jump out at me from everywhere. I can't help it...I scream like a mad woman. Kalyn knows when she hears that scream to come save me. Now, a mouse is trapped in the wall behind me so that as I type I can hear it's attempts to escape. What if he escapes and bites my feet before I can run.....
I'm distracted with thoughts of things to do before I leave for Ethiopia, including Thanksgiving here at my house with Steve's family. Thanksgiving Thursday, I leave Saturday.
What foods to get ready to make it easier for Kalyn while I am gone?
The house needs a really good cleaning before next Thursday...but can't do that to soon, or it will be dirty by then....
Caresse has an MRA early Thursday a.m. to see how the artery is being effected by the problem in her knee and to see if we can wait till January for the surgery....MRA's are harder than MRI's. Caresse has to have an IV with stuff put in through it to help them see the arteries better. It's not an easy thing.
I'm totally not kidding you...I'm afraid to put my feet down on the floor in case a mouse should run across - LOL
So, what do you do when your mind is hither and yon....
I figure a cookie and some milk can't hurt....
And hugging babies will help too!
So, my mind is "hither and yon" (Adeye and any one else not from Texas, that means "everywhere" and "no where"-LOL)
I'm distracted by the mice that are invading my home. They have NEVER been as bad as they are this year. They seem to jump out at me from everywhere. I can't help it...I scream like a mad woman. Kalyn knows when she hears that scream to come save me. Now, a mouse is trapped in the wall behind me so that as I type I can hear it's attempts to escape. What if he escapes and bites my feet before I can run.....
I'm distracted with thoughts of things to do before I leave for Ethiopia, including Thanksgiving here at my house with Steve's family. Thanksgiving Thursday, I leave Saturday.
What foods to get ready to make it easier for Kalyn while I am gone?
The house needs a really good cleaning before next Thursday...but can't do that to soon, or it will be dirty by then....
Caresse has an MRA early Thursday a.m. to see how the artery is being effected by the problem in her knee and to see if we can wait till January for the surgery....MRA's are harder than MRI's. Caresse has to have an IV with stuff put in through it to help them see the arteries better. It's not an easy thing.
I'm totally not kidding you...I'm afraid to put my feet down on the floor in case a mouse should run across - LOL
So, what do you do when your mind is hither and yon....
I figure a cookie and some milk can't hurt....
And hugging babies will help too!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Laundry for 12 and snow
First, aren't these "wow!"? I love to play around with the macro....
I know he is cute, however, he has REALLY been testing me today. Did you hear the strong emphasis on REALLY over the computer? Reread the first sentence if you missed that. (Deep mommy sigh...)
So, this is how our Monday starts...all the laundry from all the bath and bedrooms make it down to our laundry area. It is the "hallway" to the garage and is in a perfect area, since it is right where the action, playroom and close to the kitchen.
My parents are very creative and talented builders and so I grew up with some kind of construction going on all the time. When we decided to turn our garage into this laundry/school/play room they and my brother and his family came to Colorado to help with the finishing work. We made all the shelves, cabinets, desks, and did the tile work. We came up with the idea of the pull out drawer to hold three sections for sorting laundry. Then my precious friend Audrey had the idea of making the selves on the half wall to hold baskets to sort each persons clothes into. That was one of the greatest things ever that has helped me to organize and keep my sanity. Every one helps to sort and fold. Sunday as we walk in from the garage door, Steve tells them to grab their baskets and he herds them up to their room where every one puts away their clothes; (little ones get some help from bigger ones.)

I know he is cute, however, he has REALLY been testing me today. Did you hear the strong emphasis on REALLY over the computer? Reread the first sentence if you missed that. (Deep mommy sigh...)
So, this is how our Monday starts...all the laundry from all the bath and bedrooms make it down to our laundry area. It is the "hallway" to the garage and is in a perfect area, since it is right where the action, playroom and close to the kitchen.
My parents are very creative and talented builders and so I grew up with some kind of construction going on all the time. When we decided to turn our garage into this laundry/school/play room they and my brother and his family came to Colorado to help with the finishing work. We made all the shelves, cabinets, desks, and did the tile work. We came up with the idea of the pull out drawer to hold three sections for sorting laundry. Then my precious friend Audrey had the idea of making the selves on the half wall to hold baskets to sort each persons clothes into. That was one of the greatest things ever that has helped me to organize and keep my sanity. Every one helps to sort and fold. Sunday as we walk in from the garage door, Steve tells them to grab their baskets and he herds them up to their room where every one puts away their clothes; (little ones get some help from bigger ones.)

So now, here is a confessional; I HATE matching socks; I mean really dislike, can't stand, totally stay away from the job as much a possible. We decided a long time ago to have dark socks for boys and light for girls and that we would keep them all under the utility sink in this room...boy socks in boy baskets, girl socks in girl baskets. I thought this would help, however....
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Do You See It?
This little basket has sat forlornly empty since Jace moved out. Do you see it? It isn't empty anymore. It is happy because it is being used once again.
(Sorry, Jace, I had to scrub your name off...but we still love you and miss you!)
Mama's comin' Keshawn!!

I leave on the 28th for Ethiopia! YEA...PRAISE THE LORD!
I'll be gone for one week.
I was so excited I couldn't focus on schooling today, which worked out because a dear friend of our family called last minute and came out to visit.
Now the fun part...going to the basement after lunch to pull out that precious box with baby boy clothes in it so I can wash them and get everything ready to bring Keshawn home.
I am excited to see Ethiopia also, and am praying that I can do some sight seeing if possible. I have also asked our agency if there is any work I can do at the orphanage while I am there.
Celebrating today as we are one step closer to holding our baby!
Please pray for us as we raise the last little bit of money that we need for travel. We have changed the Chip-In on the side to reflect what we need at this time. Thank you all for your prays, and love!
I'll be gone for one week.
I was so excited I couldn't focus on schooling today, which worked out because a dear friend of our family called last minute and came out to visit.
Now the fun part...going to the basement after lunch to pull out that precious box with baby boy clothes in it so I can wash them and get everything ready to bring Keshawn home.
I am excited to see Ethiopia also, and am praying that I can do some sight seeing if possible. I have also asked our agency if there is any work I can do at the orphanage while I am there.
Celebrating today as we are one step closer to holding our baby!
Please pray for us as we raise the last little bit of money that we need for travel. We have changed the Chip-In on the side to reflect what we need at this time. Thank you all for your prays, and love!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
"Why Again?"
I've considered often how to answer that question? "Why are you adopting again!?
"It's my mission field" just doesn't really capture my complete heart.
"Because a little one is in need of a family and love..." leads to the inevitable response that we have to stop at some point. (My response...NOT YET!)
"We believe children are a blessing." True, however - lacking, but lacking what?
I was reading a book by A.B Simpson (an American Evangelist at the close of the 19th century) called Christ in the Tabernacle (great book by the way!). In speaking of the candelabra that was made for the Tabernacle (Ex. 25:31-40) he says "This light revealed the other objects in the Holy Place. It revealed to the priests the table covered with the showbread. The best thing about the light was that it revealed not itself but the bread."
Later Simpson writes "The candlestick did not have inherent light. It was only the bearer of the light; it only held the light, but the oil gave the light. And so you and I are not the light. Jesus Christ is our light, and we simply receive and give out Him."
Matthew 5:16 says "In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to you Father who is in heaven."
So, my mind wonders back to "Why again are we adopting?"
It isn't easy. There has been pain and loss. Adopting is always a step of faith for both finances and the energy to mother my family well. There are broken things that need fixed, and days where I run out. There is a lot of work to do...but isn't that the point? "For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them." I have GOOD work to do. It's not about seeing my good works to see ME though. I want others to see Jesus - the Bread of Life and glorify the LORD.
And, I guess the way I see it, Jesus had an orphan ministry of the largest kind. "But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons." Gal. 4:4-5 (also Rom. 8:16-17). Jesus removed the "situation" that made me an orphan and brought me to my Heavenly Father and his own family.
"...remember that you were at that time separated from Christ, alienated from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ." Eph. 2:12-13
These children are certainly without hope. They belong to no one... they are alone.
As we bring home one more child, we are bringing them near to the LORD and teaching them His love for them. No more are they without hope, they belonging to Him.
So why are we adopting again? I have good work to do; work that God has prepared for me to do; a perfect ministry for me.
And my prayer is that others will give glory to my Father who is in heaven.
Why again? The LORD loves me, the LORD loves you, the LORD loves them; and He has quite an adventure for us all. So let's go do some good work and rejoice.
"It's my mission field" just doesn't really capture my complete heart.
"Because a little one is in need of a family and love..." leads to the inevitable response that we have to stop at some point. (My response...NOT YET!)
"We believe children are a blessing." True, however - lacking, but lacking what?
I was reading a book by A.B Simpson (an American Evangelist at the close of the 19th century) called Christ in the Tabernacle (great book by the way!). In speaking of the candelabra that was made for the Tabernacle (Ex. 25:31-40) he says "This light revealed the other objects in the Holy Place. It revealed to the priests the table covered with the showbread. The best thing about the light was that it revealed not itself but the bread."
Later Simpson writes "The candlestick did not have inherent light. It was only the bearer of the light; it only held the light, but the oil gave the light. And so you and I are not the light. Jesus Christ is our light, and we simply receive and give out Him."
Matthew 5:16 says "In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to you Father who is in heaven."
So, my mind wonders back to "Why again are we adopting?"
It isn't easy. There has been pain and loss. Adopting is always a step of faith for both finances and the energy to mother my family well. There are broken things that need fixed, and days where I run out. There is a lot of work to do...but isn't that the point? "For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them." I have GOOD work to do. It's not about seeing my good works to see ME though. I want others to see Jesus - the Bread of Life and glorify the LORD.
And, I guess the way I see it, Jesus had an orphan ministry of the largest kind. "But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons." Gal. 4:4-5 (also Rom. 8:16-17). Jesus removed the "situation" that made me an orphan and brought me to my Heavenly Father and his own family.
"...remember that you were at that time separated from Christ, alienated from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ." Eph. 2:12-13
These children are certainly without hope. They belong to no one... they are alone.
As we bring home one more child, we are bringing them near to the LORD and teaching them His love for them. No more are they without hope, they belonging to Him.
So why are we adopting again? I have good work to do; work that God has prepared for me to do; a perfect ministry for me.
And my prayer is that others will give glory to my Father who is in heaven.
Why again? The LORD loves me, the LORD loves you, the LORD loves them; and He has quite an adventure for us all. So let's go do some good work and rejoice.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Playsilks Available!!!!
We have silks!
We are selling play silks to help raise the last of the money that we need to bring Keshawn home.
Some irregularities in your hand-dyed silk may occur. Any darker or lighter areas should not be seen as flaws, but as natural characteristics of hand-dyed silk.
We are selling play silks to help raise the last of the money that we need to bring Keshawn home.
The size and price is:
-play silks - 35 x 35 - $10.00 each
-tent silks - 55 x 108 - $35.00 each
Shipping and handling is
$2.50 for 3 silks and under
$3.00 for 4 and up
-tent silks - 55 x 108 - $35.00 each
Shipping and handling is
$2.50 for 3 silks and under
$3.00 for 4 and up
Some irregularities in your hand-dyed silk may occur. Any darker or lighter areas should not be seen as flaws, but as natural characteristics of hand-dyed silk.
I have one tent silk in light purple or I can custom dye another color if you wish.
Thank you for helping us bring this little one home!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
Beautiful African Hair
I have promised to put up a post of my "how to" routine with the girls hair. Of course, since Joeliana's horrible surprise, I only have one little darlin' to work on. By the way, thank you to those who have offered suggestions on how to help Joeliana look cute while it grows out, especially thank you Cul-Ture-Queen mom and Beads, Braids and Beyond! for your help and suggestions!
The most often asked question is where did I learn to do the girls hair. I learned from three primary places....
two books - It's All Good Hair by Michele N-K Collison; Kids Talk Hair by Pamela Ferrell
I learned so much from the video's at Shuruba. From those videos I have also clicked over to YouTube and looked around for kids hair styles. I don't spend a lot of time on this, but occasionally it gives me motivation and ideas.
A few things I have learned is
-keep practicing, you will get better
-look for others to learn from...I love Beads, Braids, and Beyond! and Happy Girl Hair: Natural haircare for kids.
-have fun with it...learning to take care of my girls hair ended up being a wonderful bonding and attachment time for us. And I always tell them how beautiful they are. I really enjoy the time we spend on their hair.
So, does take a long time to do, however, a good style will last two to three weeks.
Here goes...
First, a bath...wash and condition hair. A friend gave us some Barry Fletcher products that I love (you could look this up on line), but normally I use Infusium 23 Moisturologie that I buy at Walmart. I use the Kakakiki Komb to carefully comb the conditioner through with. This is worth your money!
Now comes the blow drying. Not everyone does this step, however, my girls curls are so tight that this step helps me to braid later.

Ohh, my new love...I have tried ALOT of styling products, but I think I have finally found my favorite...Happy Nappy Styles. This is my first time to use this when I braid the girls hair and I really like it.

The most often asked question is where did I learn to do the girls hair. I learned from three primary places....
two books - It's All Good Hair by Michele N-K Collison; Kids Talk Hair by Pamela Ferrell
I learned so much from the video's at Shuruba. From those videos I have also clicked over to YouTube and looked around for kids hair styles. I don't spend a lot of time on this, but occasionally it gives me motivation and ideas.
A few things I have learned is
-keep practicing, you will get better
-look for others to learn from...I love Beads, Braids, and Beyond! and Happy Girl Hair: Natural haircare for kids.
-have fun with it...learning to take care of my girls hair ended up being a wonderful bonding and attachment time for us. And I always tell them how beautiful they are. I really enjoy the time we spend on their hair.
So, does take a long time to do, however, a good style will last two to three weeks.
Here goes...
First, a bath...wash and condition hair. A friend gave us some Barry Fletcher products that I love (you could look this up on line), but normally I use Infusium 23 Moisturologie that I buy at Walmart. I use the Kakakiki Komb to carefully comb the conditioner through with. This is worth your money!
Now comes the blow drying. Not everyone does this step, however, my girls curls are so tight that this step helps me to braid later.

I lather tons of leave-in conditioner and sometime even Shea Butter Oil to add even more moisture into the hair. On high heat, low blow I CAREFULLY begin to "straighten" her hair with the above comb brush. I am VERY careful here...never pull. This takes time, but it helps me later, and I feel that the heat helps to condition the oils into her hair really well here.
Now, I'm tired...(kidding, sort of)Ohh, my new love...I have tried ALOT of styling products, but I think I have finally found my favorite...Happy Nappy Styles. This is my first time to use this when I braid the girls hair and I really like it.

This is where watching the video's at Shuruba will help you learn to braid, so I wont reteach what she did so well.
I got this style idea from Beads, Braids, and Beyond! I think is looks really cute on Alia.
I got this style idea from Beads, Braids, and Beyond! I think is looks really cute on Alia.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
New Quilt and Bad News-By Caresse
On Saturday morning I started making a new quilt. Mom had bought a quilt making kit a long time ago and I asked her if I could make it and she said yes. Now I have never made something like this before by myself but I think it turned out pretty good.
Now for the bad news. Two years ago I had surgery on my right knee and both of my ring fingers. I had to have the surgery because I have bone growths or knots all over my body, but I had to have surgery on just those ones because they were causing problems. They could not remove all of the one on my knee because it was near the artery . Now two years later I have to have surgery on the SAME KNEE. We went to the doctor on Monday and she said that as my bod
P.S from the mommy...thank you for letting my daughter share her world with you all! Above is the knee with the first scar, and below is one of her fingers that is still growing crocked. Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers for us.
Grateful/Thankful Thursday
I'm grateful for times of rest. I know that there will be busy days in the next few months, so I rest now...look at my little darlin's a little more, try to move a little slower, enjoy the smell of fresh bread.
It has been a bit of a "blah" week. I wish we would receive news about when I can travel to Ethiopia. Caresse is going to have to have a second surgery on her knee, but we are praying we can wait till January. I'm behind on things, however;
It is good today to remember and be grateful and rest in HIM.
"Remember the wondrous works that He has done, His miracles and the judgments He uttered." I Chronicles 16:12
It has been a bit of a "blah" week. I wish we would receive news about when I can travel to Ethiopia. Caresse is going to have to have a second surgery on her knee, but we are praying we can wait till January. I'm behind on things, however;
It is good today to remember and be grateful and rest in HIM.
"Remember the wondrous works that He has done, His miracles and the judgments He uttered." I Chronicles 16:12
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
I REALLY, REALLY Don't Like Plan B

I'm really sad about this since I have been working so hard to get her hair long and healthy. She was so sick when she came home from Liberia that her hair was dry and in sickly little patches. I was so happy that it was finally getting long and pretty.
Well, I may need some strong chocolate later....
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