Saturday, November 21, 2009

Please Pray - there is a war against the orphans and the families that love them

This is my sweet friend James from Canada. He loves children and always played with them when we were at the boys home! We met on our mission trip to Uganda. He and his wife, Cheremi are so precious and have such a huge love for helping others and a passionate devotion to their children! On this trip they decided to adopt a precious baby girl from Uganda and began the adoption process. After returning home they felt the LORD was calling them to adopt a baby boy from the same orphanage also. They went back to Uganda this last month to bring home their children, when all of a sudden they found out that the Canadian government will not issue their children visa's so that they can come home.
Linny has written a post about what is happening, so I am begging you to read her post and commit to praying and fasting for these beloved friends! We must stand together in this war against the children!
(I am using a picture that one of my fellow team members took...I'm sorry I don't know which one of you to give credit for)


  1. Heading over there now. I have to say I was very frustrated with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services when we adopted. If it hadn't been for their, either incompetence, or negligence we would have had our son home a couple of months faster. I had to personally show up in our Representative's office multiple times, since you can't call your USCIS agent yourself. Ridiculous!

  2. Woah!! I can't believe they can't get the visas!

  3. Thank you sooo much for your love and care for the orphan Shonni! You are such a blessing and I am so thankful that you are my bloggy friend! Love from the other side of the mountains! xo

  4. Shonni - thanks for sharing this prayer need!

    I will be praying over them!

    Please update when you can. Praying over your trip next week!

    Love and blessings, Jill

  5. So Sad! Will be praying. We lost 2 children this way in our first adoption. It's heartwrenching for all involved. Praying for a miracle!

  6. We are praying. The enemy cannot win this battle. Also praying for you!

  7. This is awful- what is Canada thinking?? Praying for your friends and for the children. They need to come home...


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