Tuesday, November 24, 2009

So What Was That Urge...

Renata, I laughed at your comment, because, yes, I am major nesting and getting ready to bring my baby home and just love on him and my others! Another big day of cleaning, and I can now say that my house is perfect, you know, that lower standard of perfect when you are no longer the mother of one darling child (LOL...I am making fun of me, because I was ridiculous about my house being perfectly clean when I only had Jace...not so much any more).
Speaking of Jace, he is driving home even as I type and we can't wait to have a few days with him.
my urge yesterday, after working for 6 hours at cleaning the up stairs was for sugar cookies loaded with a ton of icing. So we got busy makin' em. Ahh, the sweet smell of those cookies as they came out of the oven....IMG_4921
The children and I were really looking forward to cookies, when I went for the powder sugar to make the icing and there was none.

Oh, poor naked cookies with no icing to hide em;
and poor hungry tummies with nothin inside em...

Steve came home with powder sugar and we finished the job today. And yes, I did eat one as soon as it was ready!!!


Aren't little hands with
icing on them cute too!
Four days till I leave and I am really getting excited. Thanksgiving is here at our house, so that is keeping me busy and then Friday to just enjoy our family before leaving Saturday morning.
Thank you all for your support, prayers, and love.


  1. Shonni - what a fun thing to do and way to spend quality time with your children! You are so blessed! We are praying over your trip and can't wait for your son to be home!

    God bless you!

  2. To me there is nothing more fun than baking with your kids. In my case now baking with the grandkids. The smells the laughter and I have found conversation you might not get otherwise.
    Have a safe journey and bring that baby home so we can see lots of pictures.
    lot of prayers

  3. Oh my I have that urge too! feel free to put a few in the box with the silks. JK- don't really- that could be a real mess!!

    I am excited to bake sugar cookies and frost them with my kiddos!!

    How fun!!

  4. MMMM, they look so tasty. :) Our kiddos always love to decorate sugar cookies...and eat them.
    So funny that I get these butterfly feeling for you when you mention leaving in four days!! Soooooo exciting!!! Hope you get to blog while you are away. :)

  5. Call me crazy, but I actually prefer my sugar cookies sans icing! I'm glad you got your icing, though! I can't wait to see your pictures and read your posts from Africa. I'm excited to get to follow along with you on your adoption journey. Enjoy your Thanksgiving!

  6. Oh my goodness, sweet Shonni--I cannot even tell you how excited I am for you :)

  7. Shonni,
    Have a blessed Thanksgiving with your lovely family. Can't wait til you bring your little munchkin home. Praying over your trip.

  8. So excited with you for your "bring him home" trip! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day, celebrating God's awesome goodness to us!

  9. You are one busy lady!
    It looks like you all had fun with those cookies! I have some great memories of icing sugar cookies with my mom growing up and your kids will too! =)

  10. Ohhh, our favorite too, having a little sugar cookie with our frosting! We just might have to whip some up this weekend. And I love for my littles to decorate. Counting down the days till you leave...

  11. How fun!! We have our annual cookie decorating day on December 5th and I can't wait! Love the smells, tastes etc. I guess you never out grow it... Christie is 17 and Dani is 15 and they love it!! I hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving! We will be in Denver on the 19th... Hope we can see you guys and meet the little guy before you leave for Texas!!

  12. so excited for you! and yes, icing on fingers is too, too sweet!

    i hear you on the lettin go of things. i was out with our 5 young children this morning and 2 women said they had no idea how i did it. i told them, "with God and with letting a lot of things go." (the perfectly cleaned house, the perfectly matched & dressed children, the control.) i'm so thankful i've let go of those silly things.

  13. What a delicious assortment of cookies - looks like you all had a fun time making them!


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