Thursday, December 27, 2012

Seasons Of Our Hearts

 I have noticed that my heart goes through seasons.  And if I am not  careful and aware, there are seasons where my thoughts become terribly self centered and my heart becomes heavy.  
 This heaviness tries to pull me down, and if I do not take a stand it will.
 I am realizing that there is nothing wrong with the “seasons” - seasons of joy, laughter, fun, playing; if fact those seasons are like Spring and Summer - active and well, FUN.  
 And the seasons of Autumn and Winter?
 Well, this morning I prayed to the LORD and He reminded me of the beauty in winter.  These are amazing pictures I took of frost on my window this morning.  Each one is exquisite in it’s creation and beautiful.  
And as I look at this frost, my heart feels more restful.  As the seed that waits in the cold, hard ground for the warming of spring my heart will wait also.  And I remind myself to look around me at the LORD’s creative beauty, to listen to the truth of hope found in the Bible and to wait patiently and trustingly as the seed waits.  
I remember that this season is a wonderful time to slow down, rest, contemplate, and seek the LORD’s direction for the growth that HE desires in the next season of my days.  I accept with appreciation that He has brought this season into my life and instead of heaviness receive it as a time of quietness in my heart.  
And today I will remember to “Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good, for His steadfast love endures forever.  to Him who alone does great wonders, for His steadfast love endures forever;"


  1. Praying for you in this season of rest and waiting. Knowing God is at work in all things!

    Your pictures are beautiful, been a few years since I got to enjoy frost on a window like that.

  2. Beautiful pics of the frost! Amazing!

    I also feel the seasons... All are necessary for this journey that we are on BUT I don't always like them all...

  3. Wonderful Words!

    Our family is in a Dark Winter season, and I am having a very difficult finding things to be thankful for during this time of heavy grief and loss of family relationships. I know I will re-read your words many times over the next few days . . . seeking God for His words of Hope for our family in this season.

    Thank you!



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