Thursday, October 18, 2012

I Felt.... productive today!!!
I got three children bathed!!!!!!

(Did I hear gasp of surprise?)

I was really proud of myself...
And it was done at 4:00 p.m. while children were helping to cook the meat for supper, just after I had come home from several hours on the road running errands and taking Noelanie to speech therapy.  Before that we had a productive school day, watched a documentary, ate lunch - them, not me.  I was running to town for gas and I shamelessly used a few dollars of this pay check for a small Sonic Strawberry Limeade and a few chicken nuggets to eat while I was driving.  Through out the day I broke up several children who were fighting and tried to help other darlings with their various problems.  Before that I woke up at 2a.m., went down stairs for some milk, wrote a blog post, and took pain medicine for the root canals and the stubborn cold I’ve had. I stayed up for a while and then finally went back to bed to find my little son, Keshawn, had been searching for me in his sleep and was now lying upside down in our bed.  I fixed his position (head up) and finally fell asleep, Steve woke me up before he left for work and I told myself all the reasons that I needed to get out of bed and start the day well with my children. 
And now, it is time for bed again...
and I feel so proud that I got three children bathed. LOL


  1. Friend, that's a very productive day! I have 6 that needed baths...and well, there is always today, right?!? Enjoy your day!!!

  2. You had a productive day...more so than me. I only bathed 2 kids!

  3. You are funny :) It's always good to remind yourself of what you DO accomplish on these crazy days!! :) Hope you landed at Sonic during "Happy Hour"!! LOL

    Hope you are feeling better soon! Blessings, Jennifer

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