Tuesday, January 13, 2009

beautiful flowers

I have been enjoying reading Renee's blogs on photography. I love photography and use to play with it more years ago. So I got some books from the library and bought DIGITAL SLR CAMERAS & PHOTOGRAPHY FOR DUMMIES (even though I don't like being considered a "dummy" ha). I am enjoying re-learning, especially since I am not very familiar with the image editing on the computer.
These are some beautiful flowers my husband brought home one day. I just set them against the window so that I could use the white snow outside as a backdrop. Didn't this picture turn out nice?

1 comment:

  1. Shonni, what a beautiful picture! Your pictures on your site are truly those of someone who is a gifted photographer. You have an amazing eye for creativity and beauty! Thank you for the jeweled tidbit from Nancy Campbell, I needed to read that today. In fact, I think I am going to run out and buy the workbook today! Thanks!

    Beth Andersen


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