I haven’t been writing much here in this little sphere known as the “blog world”, or virtual reality - "computer-simulated environment”.
The obvious would be time, and that is certainly partly true.
Health is another obvious - I haven’t felt very “Up” and lately found out that my thyroid, which was diognosed 14 years ago (Hypothyroidism - or low thyroid) had gone down pretty bad.
Or, I could blame it on the emotional “vortex” of parenting N. and C. right now. Ugg
I have kind of tossed around whether to continue with blogging, and had to reevaluate the “why’s”.
What I have come back to is the purpose (and my passion) for this little spot;
-I hope and pray to “Declare His Glory among the Nations”,
-To encourage others to live the Truth’s found in the Bible, even when those Truths do not always match up with the circumstances.
Secondary would be to encourage, pray for, and support others in their God Given passions for His Glory, and to gratefully enjoy the like-minded friendships that I have found “long distance”.
Right now, I apologize for not following good “blog etiquette”. I read many of your blogs, but just do not have the time to comment the way I would like. I do think of you and pray for you. If you would ever like to contact me for special prayer request, please feel free to email me.
Here is something from Scriptures that the LORD spoke to me this week;
“For it is You who light my lamp; the LORD my God lightens my darkness. For by You I can run against a troop, and by my God I can leap over a wall. This God - His way is perfect, the Word of the LORD proves true; He is a shield for all those who take refuge in Him.” Psalm 18: 28-30
This week I have been crying out to Him for help in mothering Noelani and Clive (all of my children really, but especially these two). The pain, fear and just plain ol’ bad habits that they have are really hard on Kalyn and me. Clive does some things that are very controlling and rude towards me especially. There is definitely a “darkness”...
I felt encouraged when I read the above verse and now pray it as a thanksgiving to the LORD. I am thankful that He promises to lighten this darkness that these children are in, and that by my God, I will leap over their wall of pain and fear. No doubt, only praise, because His way IS perfect; it will prove true; He is our shield. He loves to heal the sick, so I continue to trust Him each day to heal my children’s hearts.
Now do I “feel” this right now? Not really. But I must take my present “reality” and make it submit to His Truth.
And now, THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU for reading this blog, for praying for our family, for being a friend to me. I am grateful to share my heart with you here, and pray that we would all encourage each other through the good and the bad to look to HIM always, and to sing praises to the ONE who lights our lamps. May we SHINE for Him.
so glad you will continue blogging - you are such an encouragement to me! Thank you for being honest and letting God shine through - especially when times are hard! Love you dear friend! And though I know your availability to chat is short - please let me know if you need to chat! I'm here for you - wish I was closer in location. :)
ReplyDeleteThese are my reasons for blogging too. I feel like its a great platform to share the ups and downs of life and give God the glory for His faithfulness. It is also the best source of community I have as far as adoption issues go. We have amazing friends and family, but sometimes no-one knows better than my fellow adoptive friends. I do think of you all as my friends too. I love that about The Lord and our family in Him.
I must say that it would be a sad day if you quit blogging. I would feel like I had lost a friend (your blog was one of the first I began reading a few years back when I 'discovered' blogs). You have been an encouragement to me...let's face it, big, multiracial families created through adoption is not something you tend to find right next door, so it is a blessing to be able to connect with others that "get it". :)
ReplyDeleteI have to say that I just LOVE you dear friend! I think I do understand so many of your feelings. The challenges are so so great...
ReplyDeleteIt's not exactly what I had in mind... BUT they are still my blessings...
Praying for you
and the day you stop blogging may be the day I stop...
PLease DON'T stop... speaking selfishly... I need YOU!!
Glad you decided to stay in the world of blogging...you have encouraged and inpired me for a long time via your posts. You are an amazing woman raising amazing kids, following God's direction. I appreciate when you share :) Blessings, Jennifer
ReplyDeleteI enjoy your blog and appreciate the encouragement and insight you offer. Your family is lively and I like keeping up with them too. I know what you mean about not following blog etiquette as sometimes I just don't have time to comment. So glad you're blogging my friend!
ReplyDeleteWill be praying for you! I love reading your blog! You live your knowledge of scripture and are such an encouragement to me as I raise a grandson.
ReplyDeleteHello! Thank you for visiting my blog. You have a beautiful large family, and I admire you for that; I don't know if I would be strong enough to take care of such a large family.
ReplyDeleteI hope your son and daughter will get better. Only God can heal such things. And I hope you don't stop blogging because I plan to come back often. :)
Praying for your family. For healing, for peace, for fresh oil. Thank you for all that you share. It is for His glory, and I know encourages so many of us. Keep shining bright sister!
I have many of those same thoughts about continuing to blog (although I think my out of state relatives would not be happy if I stopped...haha). So...we plug along. HUGS!!
ReplyDeletePrayin' for ya'll here in Missouri... hopin' you won't stop bloggin'. You write so well and are so encouraging. And I must say that I love the pics of the beautiful babes and the beautiful scenery! Born and raised in Colorado (Pueblo) and really missin' the beauty of my home state. I love seeing the glimpses of the mountains, trees, streams, etc. I could almost smell the fresh air and feel that amazing weather! Thanks! Blessings, Denise
ReplyDeleteI have had so many of the same thoughts about blogging, but do believe the Lord wants me to continue. I am so grateful for the friendships I've made . . . the prayers of others as we have walked through so many crises the past couple of years . . . and the opportunity to love, support, and encourage others that are walking similar journeys.
ReplyDeleteKeep writing. Keep sharing. Keep praying. We are blessed by you . . . and want to be a blessing to you, as well.
Laurel :)