What will I be remembered for?
My personality, looks, achievements, clean home, well behaved children, great home educator?
What will I spend my days working at? What do I want others to think of me?
Good questions. And God has the answer to it.
"We give thanks to God always for all of you, constantly mentioning you in our prayers , remembering before our God and Father your work of faith and labor of love and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ." 1 Thessalonians 1:2
My goals for each day are set, regardless of what comes that day. I must remember:
-Work with faith ...
-Labor with love...
-Be steadfast in hope
-All because of Jesus Christ and His work to bring me home.
I'm tired today; several children are sick and when I read the above verse I felt encouraged by it. I do want to set a good example, however, I want others to see that the LORD is faithful as I choose to follow His ways in my days. I don't want to "put on a show" for others, but an example of faithfulness - because HE is faithful and helps me. I wanted to climb back in bed but knew that I needed to do the next thing; laundry, prepare supper, school, take care of sick ones, etc..
And as I do the next thing, I remind myself it pleases the LORD as I work with faith (when I do not feel like working at all); labor with love (yes, that is why I do it); and be steadfast in hope (even when I feel overwhelmed, the LORD is with me).
I pray that you are also encouraged today and remember how much God loves you and is leading you.
This is so good....Shonni, you always have encouraging words to share!