Monday, March 30, 2009

I Love Faces

The theme this week at I Love Faces is Pouting (kids), and any thing goes (pets).

My kids entry: Poor little Aiden's hands had gotten really cold before I could get gloves on and wrap him up. Finally settled in the sled, he looked at me with tears in his eyes and said "tankoo Mommy".
My pet entry: Steve, Kalyn and I ran out in the freezing snow so that I could get a picture of Bluez. He was really unhappy, so Kalyn picked him up to warm him for a second and he immediately crawling onto her back and began barking at the neighbor dogs. So here is our "fierce" dog!
Visit I Love Faces to play along in the photo fun!


  1. Wonderful photos. Love Aiden's look. Isn't it nice Bluez dosn't have to get cold feet?

  2. sweet face! my first time to your blog. i am amazed at your family. wow. :) beautiful kids!!

  3. first of all...what a BEAUTIFul family! sweet tears! poor little guy! great photo of him and your fierce guard dog! :)

  4. bc of your family dynamics that book will break your heart :( but you need to read it!!! let me know your thoughts. there is a bible study you can download that goes with it!

  5. Aww, i love your photos and the stories with them.

    Thanks for visiting my blog and taking the time to leave a comment. I'm so glad you did because now i've found your blog! I'm excited to read more about your beautiful family. Adoption has always been on my heart and i hope one day my husband and I can adopt.

    I'm off to read more!

  6. oh the emotion in his eyes! What a darling photo.

  7. Oh, Aiden's discomfort is palpable...which means you did a great job of capturing the moment. And your FIERCE dog sure has conquered the world!

  8. Great Photos! His eyes say it all in the first one!

  9. What sweet photos! Thanks so much for sharing!!!

  10. Great photos! The puppy on the back is so funny. :)

  11. oh my heavens. This is seriously one of the cutest pictures/stories ever. Those tears -- aww!
    And your dog shot is amazing too - the story cracked me up! :-) great job this week!


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