Do you see the drop of water? As usually, having fun with God's beautiful creation!!
The last few weeks have been kinda difficult with some of my little ones...pretty normal stuff for a 3-4 year old only all that normal stuff is TIMES four. When you throw in "life" and home schooling and laundry, and other children and well, life (you get the picture, huh?)...I guess I just let it get to me to much, and really, on certain days the NOISE just begins to wear on me. Last Thursday I was reading Linn's Thankful Thursday post and decided that I was going to begin this also. That night I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep (which happens more times than I like), and I began to think about "the babies" and just stuff. And then, there it was, a prayer..."God give me eyes to see THEM and not the problems...to use each interruption or difficulty as an opportunity to give thanks."
I was thinking of what I call our "Thank Offering" verses. I use these verses to teach the children how to pray prayers of thankfulness. These are the verses...Psalm 50:5,14,23 "Gather to me my faithful ones, who made a covenant with me by sacrifice! Offer to God a sacrifice of thanksgiving, and perform your vow to the Most High. The one who offers thanksgiving as his sacrifice glorifies (honors) me."
So, my challenge (and yours if you want) is to use those things that irritate or frustrate me and first to respond out loud or in my heart with a Thank Offering. So an example from today...one of the little darlin's was yelling his head off about something (nothing really) and I felt "that feeling", then I purposefully thought "Thank you God that he is healthy enough to yell and thank you for the opportunity to teach him to right way to act."
I wont lie to you, it's not easy, but I want to use those things to "train" myself to respond in a more controlled and thankful way. And, the good news, if I do this right, I will being glorifying God (Ps. 50:23) several times in a 30 minute period - ha-ha.
As always, I love to hear from you...thank you for taking the time to visit!
Ooohh---what a great reminder. Stopping to be grateful before allowing myself to react in the flesh. I always struggle to pause---life always feels so hectic. What a wonderful reminder to me tonight. Thank you, friend.