Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Frustration Of Watermarks

Boy, sometimes....I just don’t get it!!!  I love/hate those special times a few times a month when I try to learn how to get around in the world of “DI-GI-TALLLLL”.  You’ve got to say that with a scary voice to really get it!
Today, I have been trying to figure out this whole watermark thing...putting your name or logo on your photo’s to protect them from cybphotheives...(I’m really into making up words lately :));  in other words - people who steal photo’s from the web for free and without acknowledgement to the photographer.  
Others make it sound so easy.....
so it must be me;
I finally have a brush to to use, as in the photo above...
however, I couldn’t even begin to tell you how....sorry.  I know, what kind of a cyber-friend am I?
Good luck dear loved one’s, if you try to figure this out.  Write to me if you have a easier way than what ever I gave me a twitch in the eye,
but, I WON....and at least one photo is watermarked....YEA ON ME!


  1. Funny, I was just e-mailing another blogger about this. :) I use Windows Live Writer to write posts, & I add the Watermark on very easily using that program. Windows Live Writer is great- & is completely free! :)
    Hope this helps a little!

  2. I love Live Writer too - however, I have a professional watermark I created in photoshop that I use too. Or I put one on every photo in picasa 3 also a free program.

    Love you and gorgeous photo!


  3. Hi there! Just found you via my friend Adeye's blog. Love your heart for adoption. We are working currently at an orphanage/children's home in Thailand and see the goodness of kids in families.

    Anyway, just wanted to say I enjoyed reading about you guys tonight.

    I use Picassa too--can't figure out the other stuff! Complicated!

    love from here,


  4. Beautiful pic but sorry can't help you out...

    Really love your new blog look!

  5. Picnik will allow you to put a copyright sign on your photo (alone with your name if you want). Then you can just adjust the strength to make it translucent. SUPER EASY!!! I can't remember if it's offered in the free package (I think so), but if not, it's only $25 per year. Well worth it. There is no way to save it, so you have to do a new one for each photo, though.


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