But instead of thinking of these troubling thoughts, I’m going to exercise some wonderful advise from Your Word, and be thankful, and remember Your Goodness.
Thank you for sweet children who enjoy the simple things of bubble, bikes and birthday cakes.
Thank you for the silly faces they make that always causes me to giggle.
Thank you for blessing my children with each other. I’m sure that they have no idea what a gift having each other will be in their lives, but I know.
Lord, I am so grateful for our home. Forgive me for seeing the problems in it, instead of seeing the many ways that you have blessed us with each and every room.
I remember the many years that we have been led by Your Spirit. What an adventure. Forgive me for complaining so much. I want to choose joy and gratefulness each day, instead of letting negative thoughts choose my attitudes for me.
Help me to really SEE Your mercies, love and goodness around me each day. I know that they are there. Thank you for that.
You have filled our home with life, abundantly so, THANK YOU.
“Come and see what God has done; He is awesome in His deeds toward the children of man.” Psalm
Love this post..i am finding the same thing..tired before i even get out of bed..and thru the day BUT seeking to be grateful for the tiredness that comes from being so busy taking care of these little ones He has given me. thanks for writing!! (and for the adorable pics!) :) darci