Sunday, June 24, 2012

Something New

Kiana and I are learning something new.  I am really enjoying it.  Glass mosaic is our newest passion.  
And I am really enjoying doing something special with her.

I also wanted to thank those of you who wrote on Steve’s note.  It meant so much to both him and me!
Happy Sunday!


  1. Looks so fun! How did you get started with that? Where can I get some???

  2. hi shonni ..
    i have left a few comments before..
    letting you know that i am praying for you ..
    thought that i would do a little introduction this time..

    my name is jackie chappell ..
    i am a 64 year old mother of two grown sons ..
    both of my sons families live back here in our neighborhood
    where they grew up as children ..
    so that puts my four grandson almost at my back door ..
    (i have just finished 10 days of caring for my 4yr old & 7yr old while their
    parents and my husband went on a mission trip to the Dominican Republic.
    (and that was a from daylight till way after dark job ..with ONLY two little fellows)

    i also have the piviledge of ministering to a 49 year old young man who is
    recovering from addition and also rehabing from a stroke in Feb. of this year..
    i am leaning a bit about navigating the "system" to try to help provide him with
    some benifits and assistance that he needs as he recovers from life on the streets ..

    .. i say all this i guess to give a small picture of my desire to love and invest in
    the lives of others that the Lord places in my life and path .. hearts desire from childhood was to live a life just like you are living
    it reckless and soldout maybe ..but better yet .. living the one life that we are given .. totatly invested in others who God directs us to give "forever unconditional love" ...

    ... the Lord has also given me a heart for prayer ..a deep desire to even go to battle for those who serve Him .. and are called according to His purpose ... as well as those who are yet to know Him ..

    .. you and your precious family are on my heart and in my prayers .. i will do my best to be even more faithful and invest even more as i take you all before the Lord ..both as a sister in the Lord .. a mother.. and .. grandma ..

    .. may the Lord give you a new and fresh Spirit & Heart(daily) for this daunting ..exciting..rewarding ..frustrating ..adventurous..and ..blessed life that your living !!!

    .. look forward to knowing you even better..if time and the Lord allows..

    your prayer warrior sister from florida
    jackie chappell ...( ...if you ever want to get in touch with me..
    i'm also on facebook ..Jackie Cunningham Chappell (not that i can imagine where you could find the extra time ..but just in case)
    i know that your blog is an amazing encourgment to many other mothers and families

  3. How wonderful that you and Kiana found something to learn together :-). I hope that this time you spend together with this hobby are truly refreshing :-). I kept trying to comment to Steve's post, but was having trouble with Blogger for some reason. I wanted to tell you both that your family has been such an encouragement to me. Many times the LORD has given me a word through your blog. Thank you for sharing so openly and honestly about your lives, and I sure can see Jesus shining through. Press on, my dear brother and sister. We only have 4 children, only one of whom is adopted, but we have certainly experienced the challenges and joys of lovin' on all of them. You will be in my prayers - and all of your "little darlin's" too. Love, Chenning

  4. Looks fun. Make sure to show us the finished product!!


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