Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Pretty, The Ugly, and The Thankful

 Here are two more pretty dresses for my girls.  I was asked which patterns I have used.  They are patterns from Olabelhe.  I have used this one and this one.  I love the Olabelhe patterns!

 I think the girls like them also.  I look for sales on fabric from Fairytale Frocks and Lollipops and Fabric.com.  There are also other pretty patterns at Fairytale Frocks and Lollipops.

And here is the ugly.  One of my darlings (guess who) broke this window.  We have tape on it for now till we can replace it.
And the thankful;
a sweet friend offered to buy this book for me, so now I feel much better!!!


  1. Beautiful dresses for two beautiful girls!!
    And ohhhh - how I feel for you - we have had many broken things in our home as our little guy worked through his SPD and is learning to work with it.

    One day he told me, "Mom, it's okay that I have SPD. God doesn't make mistakes."
    Soo true, and yesterday after a long day at school and a long sports camp - I picked him up with a surprise soccer practice. Anticipating a hissy fit - I offered to stop and get him a treat on our way - he said, "Oh no, that would not be good for practice. That's okay, I forgot I had practice - I should have known, it is Monday." Oh, how far he has come!!

  2. Love you and sorry about the window! Dresses are so beautiful! You are really good at making them. Hugs and I know you will enjoy the book! :-)

  3. Shonni,
    Yes, I can definitely relate to broken windows...Several of them actually. In the years to come you will be able to recall these memories with a fond smile...ha, kids! (potentially a son?)

    Have a blessed day,

  4. I have 5 little girls that would LOVE these dresses. They are 8, 8, 6, 3, and 3. Are they hard to make? I am not a sewer but would love to learn. Is this something a beginner could do? You can visit my blog at: www.onthewingsofmorning.blogspot.com I visit your blog regularly and I adore your children. What beautiful blessings.

  5. Oh Shonni - you are going to love that book (I've almost finished my copy)!
    The dresses are just beautiful - you've done a wonderful job - your daughters look just lovely in them (they are such pretty girls)!
    I feel inspired - I should pull out my machine & get a sewing project underway!
    Hope you have a great day

  6. So sorry about the window. We had one of those when my daughter threw a matchbox car and then commented about the pretty star in the window (she was 4). The dresses are so adorable and look VERY nice! What's better than the dresses is your girls in them! They are so very pretty!!!

  7. Those dresses are beautiful! I need to learn to sew.

  8. A friend of mine JUST bought me this book as well. I know very little about this, except that it definitely encourages thankfulness :)

  9. Those dresses are darling, Joeliana looks so cute twirling around in her new dress!
    Can I place an order??

  10. The girls look so cute in the dresses! I'm super impressed!! Great job!

  11. Oh, I LOVE those dresses!!!! You are so gifted!

  12. The dresses are adorable and the girls are precious!!!!!!!!!! ;-)What a great skill to have. I need to brush up on my sewing skills:-/

    Your blog is great! Keep up the good work. God bless!

    Madeleine Bonin

  13. Beautiful dresses!! You are good! Love the patterns, love the prints!! Oh and love the models, too!!

  14. Oh my....beautiful girlies in beautiful dresses! Soooooo sweet.

  15. Those dresses are beautiful! Nice work!


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