Saturday, February 12, 2011

Are We Passionate?

"If you will not suffer and sacrifice for something,
you are not passionate about it."
-Floyd McClung


  1. Oh I just love this quote! Powerful.


  2. I feel so passionate about the orphans that often times it just hurts.

    My heart is swelling and as we continue to adopt I am waiting for HIM to tell me what's NEXT! There has to be more- need to do more- praying for HIS direction.

  3. This quote is so true. Like Jean I have such a passion for orphans, I cry thinking about the orphan crisis and standing up to injustice. I try to instill that in my children, to always stand up for what is right.

  4. So glad you came by the blog. I have actually been by yours many times - you have a BEAUTIFUL family. And no, I don't mind people borrowing stuff - I actually borrowed it myself. I'll do anything if it helps another child find his home. I can't wait to see what God has in store for your growing family.

  5. The Lord is dealing with us in this area right now. I "think" I'm passionate, but we've never suffered for it. We just started looking for a smaller house. Our prayers is to be able to downsize and give the difference. Will we be able to sell our big house in this economy? I don't have to worry because it's in God's hands. If it's His will, nothing will get in the way.

    Btw, I enjoyed seeing your kitchen remodel. We toss around ideas all the time. We can't even fit all our kids at the bar, I'm amazed at how many spots you have at yours!


  6. Dusty and I were just talking about something similar to this quote over lunch. I can be so selfish sometimes. But how can my "wants" be more important than a child's NEEDS?? Ugh, I can't stop crying today!!

  7. Oh my goodness - how fun is that?!?! I JUST posted this on Facebook - we just read it in a class we are taking! Love that!!!!


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