The children and I were reading 2 Thessalonians 1:3-4 the other morning,
3 We ought always to give thanks to God for you, brothers,[a] as is right, because your faith is growing abundantly, and the love of every one of you for one another is increasing. 4Therefore we ourselves boast about you in the churches of God for your steadfastness and faith in all your persecutions and in the afflictions that you are enduring.
I asked the children what they felt that “steadfastness” or “perseverance” might mean. Kiana answered right away “Holding on tight”. (From the mouth of babes, they say).
I have copied one of Mother Theresa’s quotes in my book, “I do not pray for success, I pray for faithfulness.”
All these thoughts were swirling around as I was thinking back to this week, and some of the harder moments that we have had with Noelani and Clive; especially Noelani. This poor child whom I want to love is really struggling, and our days have been rough.
I’m sitting in my bedroom writing this right now, and I gazed out my bedroom window at...
wait, I’ll show you a picture...
It is snowy, icy and cold this morning. Can you see the icy snow sticking to our pine tree? But it’s also a picture to me of the pain and fear that clings to Noelani’s heart right now.
And I think I know what the LORD is asking me ... will I faithfully “hold on tight” and persevere with this little girl; will I carry her burden of pain, fear, bad attitudes and painful choices? Will I stand strong for her in this “cold of winter” till her heart warms up?
“Yes, LORD. Thank you for the promise in Ps. 55:22 that assures me that as I cast my burdens on You, You will sustain me. I can trust You to uphold me. May my new children learn that they can trust me now as they also learn about Your great love for them. Show me how to carry their burdens.”
Oh Shonni, I am praying for you. This path is difficult, but you will see fruit. I know you will.
ReplyDeleteThat is just beautiful.
Praying for you,
Shonni, Praying for you all during this time of heart ache. I understand how difficult this is. Its hard to understand just how hard older child adoption is, until you are in it. I remember thinking "I knew it would be hard, but had no idea it would be this hard". But things do get better, it just takes time and love, and you surely have an abundance of love! Praying this time passes quickly, and all are able to settle into a 'new' calmer, more peaceful normal. Hang in there! KT
ReplyDeleteHang in there! I am so with you on these last two posts. This is a tough road we're following.
ReplyDeleteHugs and prayers! I know how hard this season gets - hold onto Him - He will get you through it! I'm always here if you need a friend to vent and pray with!
ReplyDeleteMuch love,
Yes and I am praying for you. Remember, 1 Thessalonians 5:24: "He who called you is faithful, and He will do it."
ReplyDeleteIt seems you are going through the refinery, just like all His children do at different times. Persevere! I am praising the Lord for your resolve! Even that is a gift from Him bc we are so weak on our own. She is worth it, and HE is worth it!!! Press on, press on, press on! God is for you! He is actually carrying you!! This is all for His own glory!