Monday, May 17, 2010

I Love It Here!

The weather here is so unpredictable for this time of year. Even tonight, we have been watching the weather channel because there are several storms around us that are severe.
BUT, today, my children and I enjoyed the glories of Colorado. We explored, picnicked and had special Dutch cookies that they only have 2-3 times a year (the cookies that cause all my children to yell while they are buckles into a 15 passenger van-"WE LOVE YOU MOMMY; YOUR ARE THE BEST MOMMY EVER!); which makes it worth the 14 dollars I just spent on 3 dozen cookies just so that they can have 2 each. (Now, at this point, please don't do the math...yes, there are some extra's and Kalyn and I feel "we deserve them"-don't tell!!)
I will have more pictures soon and some things that I feel the LORD is speaking to me about the missionhood of womanhood. 
Thank you all for your notes to my friend who is seeking the LORD's direction in connecting with her newest daughter. May we all continue to encourage and support each other.
Till tomorrow..


  1. Gorgeous photo!

    Know that I'm praying for you and thinking of you!

    Praying for your friend as well!

    Hugs and love,

  2. What you are doing with the cookies... I do with the chocolate cake;-)

    Enjoy, enjoy, my dear friend! So glad your time outside was enjoyable!!

    I have typed half a letter to your friend and hope to finish it soon and send it your way- if you don't hear from me- I ran out of time- I am such a slow typer- it's pitiful...

  3. Wow... must be great cookies... :)
    share the recipe.... :)
    Hope you have a great day...
    Angie H.

  4. Shonni, what an awesome photo! And yes, I think you deserve a cookie too.


  5. Yeah for cookies and momma's who get extra :)

  6. Colorado IS certainly glorious; miss it so much. In weak moments I wish so much we had reason to move back; but I know God brought us to DE for so many reasons related to the children we have/are bringing home. They are worth it...but..take a breathe of that super fresh air for me, would you. I so miss it!


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