Saturday, May 7, 2011

What RADICAL Living Looks Like

I saw this quote here, and had to post it to my blog!

“Who can measure the long-term effects of nurturing helpless infants, supervising wandering toddlers, discipling self-willed children, and counseling self-absorbed adolescents?  Of family outings planned, traditions built, memories made, books read, songs sung, Scripture taught?  That’s why motherhood belongs under the heading, “Engage the World”; no one shapes generations or fashions cultures more than mothers.”  from Worldliness    
Yes, mothers, we really do live Radically when we embrace the adventure of nurturing those around us.  And all I can say to that is AMEN!

This week we went to a canyon park that is up the road from us.  It was windy and chilly, but we still enjoy our nature school day.

I am so grateful to the LORD to be the mother of these precious ones!!!

Joeliana also celebrated her 7th birthday this week.  Funny, I have her and the other two “stuck” at age 5, but “the babies” as we all call the four youngest, are growing up.  

And Steve has been workin’ away with the older children getting a “green house” over Caresse’s garden.  We have tried just about everything to garden here in Colorado at over 7,000 feet, but it has been hard...the seasons are just to short and unpredictable.  So this year, we are are building this...
 ...which will be covered with a garden plastic.  We are hoping that this really helps our garden grow!!!

Thank you all so much for following our family adventure and sharing yours with us.  I pray that all the mothers out there are loved on and blessed this weekend!!! 


  1. What an awesome green house! And what a beautiful Colorado day! We will be coming to Colorado again this summer - hopefully we can see y'all again! :) Happy Mother's Day!!!

  2. I enjoy your posts and your family so much :) Happy Mother's Day, Shonni. xo Lisa

  3. Looks like a fun day at the park. We have had the absolutely rainiest spring ... and we are aching to get outside.

    Hoping your Mother's Day is BLESSED!!!

    Laurel :)

  4. Love that quote. thank you. I needed that encouragement today. I might just post that in my sidebar so I can see it every day!

    Did you know I know Shauna V.? She said you guys were friends! I think we might go visit them this week. It would be awfully fun to get all of our families together someday!

  5. What a great quote!
    I loved seeing the pics of your wonderful family outing.... what precious memories you are making with your children daily.
    God's speed...

  6. I just want to say how beautiful you look in these pictures...I love what you are doing to your very pretty Shonni!

    mama to 8
    one homemade and 7 adopted


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