Sunday, May 1, 2011

Pray With Jesus

Pray with Jesus - from Elizabeth Elliot devotional A Lamp For My Feet
"Because I am "of the earth, earthy," I find that my prayers for the people I love are mostly bound by very earthy concerns--Lord, help P. to find a good wife, show G. which college to attend, provide money for W.'s house and E.'s car, help T. with his book, give X. a better job. It is meet and proper to pray for such things, but not to pray only for such things. There are prayers of far more lasting import which we must also learn to pray. We can find words for those in the prayer of Jesus for the people He loved:
  1. that they may be one;
  2. that they may find his joy completed in themselves;
  3. that they may be kept from evil;
  4. that they may be made holy by the truth;
  5. that they may live in Christ;
  6. that they may grow complete into one;
  7. that they may be with him;
  8. that the love which God has for Christ may be in their hearts.
If we learn to pray that kind of prayer, it will perhaps amend the "lesser" prayers.
Lord, teach me to pray. Open my eyes to see beyond the earthly to the heavenly. Let my primary concerns be heavenly ones, that your kingdom may come on earth, your will be done in me and in those I love. Teach me to pray with Jesus, for his sake. Amen.”

I am home with two little boys this morning while the rest of the family has gone to church.  I am still sick.  I am feeling frustrated at being sick for so long now.  I have been to the dr. and so far they are coming up with nothing much...a virus, an allergic reaction, hormones, etc....
It is amazing how quiet it is with “just” two boys, and one of them is a two year old...LOL.  The high here in Colorado today is suppose to be 30, with chances of snow later.  Guess we will put off making that green house for Caresse till later.  We have a pair of doves that have made the front yard trees their home.  I love hearing the “cooing” and I have been hoping that they are sturdy enough for this unusually cold May.
I haven’t been taking very many pictures lately...guess I have gotten in a rut...
Steve and I are moving along with studying our Created To Connect information.  Seems like so much some times.  Time and time again I find scriptures that speak the same things to me as the information that I am studying.  I will try to start getting that together to share a little better in the future.


  1. Get better soon! There are some yucky viruses out there with really bad sore throats. Just wanted to encourage you and tell you what a beautiful family you have and what a loving Mom you are! Something that has been on my mind a lot lately that I think maybe would make a very helpful does God fill you up with more love for each new child that you welcome into your home? It is obvious that He does because it is all over your children's faces, maybe you could share your thoughts and experience on this?
    Every blessing to you all

  2. It was wonderful to see Betty E. quoted. So many of the younger women have missed out on her wisdom, so it was a double blessing. Betty is my cousin by marriage, and over the many years since Jim died, we have had opportunities to sit down and have some marvelous heart to heart talks. As she ages, she has slowed down, but her wonderful husband sees that she has lots of travel when it is possible. Usually they go to Peru for 2-3 weeks mid-winter to visit her in-laws, Bert and Colleen Elliot, who have been missionaries in Peru for over 60 years. Two years ago they were here in Portland for a week or two. She was very quiet and so different from the strong personality she was in her younger years.

    But how wonderful that her books live on. So thank you for referring to some of her words of wisdom.


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