Friday, February 20, 2009

8 year old Boo

Sweet Boo, it is so hard to believe that you are already 8!!!!
You are a tender hearted warrior for sure!
I am so glad that God gave you to me!
You are a wonderful brother...
you are Jace's "buddy boo"-his long awaited for, prayed for brother...
you're daddy's "little man"
and always my "Le Boo"-love of my heart.


  1. Did sweet Boo have a birthday...just in case...Happy Birthday. You are a very handsome boy, I can see you are a thinker and a ponderer, you hold many things in your heart...certainly, God will use your depth and wisdom to reach others.

    bless you.

    mama to 7
    one homemade and 6 adopted

  2. What a gorgeous big boy you have! Thanks for sharing your family with us :)
    Hope you're having a blessed weekend.


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