Thursday, February 12, 2009

come on-it wont be THAT bad

This is how the children felt when I told them we would be going to town today for various appointments.
When asked how long it would take...well I had to be honest with them...the equivalent of a trip to Texas.
OK, may be only 7 hours, from start to finish.
But on the bright side, daddy said we could eat out tonight..."good daddy"!.


  1. That expression is way too cute! I don't blame him for not wanting to take a 7 hour day for appts. Poor kids. :)

  2. Too cute!! How did the day go? Not too tiring I hope! To eat out with 11 people... Wow!

  3. Hi,
    I just wanted to introduce myself---I found your blog and have loved reading about your wonderful family. We also live in CO and are blessed with 5 (so far :) ). You have a beautiful family.


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