Monday, May 4, 2009

23 days and a birthday

I know that I''m her mama, but isn't Joeliana the cutest!!!

She had her birthday this weekend and is now a big four year old.

And now, I can't say that I have a 3 year old and two 4 year olds...that's right...I have THREE 4 year olds.
I am so glad that God gave me this precious one!

"I do not cease to give thanks for you..." Ephesians 1:16
And Kalyn and I had our appointment at the travel clinic today to get the rest of the shots that we need for our mission trip to Uganda and it is ONLY 23 DAYS AWAY! We are really getting excited and ready.


  1. Oh my stars, what cute pictures!! You two look adorable together!

    Is your missions trip the one with the Saunders?

  2. Breathtakingly beautiful! Thanks for posting these photos. Kids are such amazing little treasures, even the rough edges and cracks. I am so excited to meet you and your daughter at the airport....I will bring a few of mine along, too!

    P.S. I will soon have five 4 year olds.

  3. I am not partial...and I think you are both exceptionally beautiful. I love these photos of you guys...did your Knight take them or Kayln? They did such a beautiful job.

    23 days, whoa that is coming up fast.

    mama to 7
    one homemade and 6 adopted

  4. These are FANTASTIC photos. I think you have a gorgeous family! You encourage me so very much, spiritually. Thank you for the blessing you are to so many! These pictures are an ever so tiny picture of what HEAVEN will be like!
    with love, tab


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