Thursday, May 14, 2009

Grateful/Thankful Thursday

Proverbs 14:4 "Where there are no oxen, the manger is clean, but abundant crops come by the strength of the ox."
I have always liked this verse as it reminds me that I will not have a perfectly clean house, or lack in good work to do each day because the LORD has filled our home with children.


I am grateful to the LORD that my "manger" is not empty ...

and grateful for the abundant crops that I have now....

and for the strength to daily labor in love for them and for HIM!


  1. Hey, that looks JUST like my kitchen :)

    Love your heart, friend.

  2. You are blessed...I love the floor...looks like confetti! (i.e.- a party!)

    mama to 7
    one homemade and 6 adopted

  3. I'm new to your site by way of another adoption blog and I have enjoyed reading your posts!! Praise God that you have opened your heart to "the nations". My husband and I pray we can do the same ~ stop by anytime for a visit!
    Grace & peace

  4. Wonderful post.. thanks for sharing.
    BTW Im curious how you all have afforded all the adoptions.. my husband and I are interested in adopting soon.
    We have two boys of our own.. would love to adopt a little girl domestically but id SO love to adopt from the Dominican republic.. I went there as a teen on missions... and fell in love with that area.

  5. LOVE the pics!

    mama of 13 - writing from Ghana today :)


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