Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Our Time-Two

You guys are so cute...
The bear is is a metal bear used for hunting...
and the water is PERFECT, because it is a hot springs and that is the beauty of it sit there on this COLD Colorado river and the little place that we sit in is full of natural hot springs water; isn't that the coolest (or hotest....),
so any way,
the bear is a fake;
and the water is hot...
and I love you are so cute, please come visit so that we can go see fake bears and hot springs!


  1. Shonni,

    What a precious blessing to find your blog through..the Adcox I haven't seen you in forever...but we were so very blessed for all the sweet love you gave to S. at church.
    You can see a few update photos on our family blog.
    Precious blessings. We will be praying for this "PREGNANCY!" --You might do the same in reverse as "CUATRO" is coming 2/2010.
    In Him,

  2. I am so cracking up! But I'm so glad that I'm not the only one who didn't get that it was a fake bear... WOW... I don't know about in real life, but in the picture he looks really real!

    Now that really sounds like my kind of place to visit... Fake bears, hot springs and beautiful mountains!!

  3. You are too funny. What a fun time to be able to sit in a hot spring with a good book.

    I tried to comment on yesterdays post...but somehow it wouldn't let me. ;-(

    Glad you had a nice really looked like a wonderful spot to have a celebration/retreat.

    AND that bear looked real to me.

    mama to 7
    one homemade and 6 adopted

  4. Great blog and a beautiful family!


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