Monday, March 1, 2010

God Reveals His Name

In the beginning Elohim created the heavens and the earth." Genesis 1:1
Today begins our book study, Praying the Names of God. I have really been looking forward to this!
The name of the LORD that we are meditating on this week is Elohim. The LORD reveals this name immediately in Genesis 1:1. What a majestic moment it must have been "In the beginning..." Yet, each day, I have the chance to see His creations around me.
I Love the beauty I see in the LORDS creation, from the smallest things to the most majestic. This ancient name, Elohim, reminds me to look for Him in all of His creation.  Often, when I take the time to do this, I immediately feel a connection with Him. My worries, or stresses begin to blur as I take time to LOOK, BREATH, FEEL, TASTE, TOUCH all that Elohim has created. 
Today, I will think on the name, Elohim, and remember His majesty and mystery, His sovereignty and power and draw near to the One who created all of man in His image and thank Him!


  1. YES! AMEN!

    I love that Shonni! I feel the same way - when I look up and around me at all that God created for us - wow! I just simply breath in His goodness and everything melts away - peace is mine and joy overflows.

    I love the photo you shared today - thank you!

    Love and blessings as we reflect on Elohim!

  2. I've noticed in the 90 day Bible challenge how often God refers to His name. Doing something in His name or for His name's sake. It's important to Him so it should be to us. Sounds like a great book!

  3. Thank you for sharing your book study with us- I'll look forward to more posts about this in the future!!

    Beautiful picture! God's creation is so breathtakingly Beautiful!

  4. Thanks for sharing this post. I find it fascinating learning the original script of the Bible.
    What a beautiful picture - I had trouble at first working out if it is sand or snow.

  5. Shonni, I love your post. He is Elohim, the creator of all. Taking the time as you mentioned is key for me too. So glad you're joining in on studying the names of God.


  6. Shonni~
    His creation is so majestic! Truly, we have no excuse for not believing. I'm excited to read future posts about His names. Beautiful picture!

  7. Beautiful picture, beautiful representation of God's amazing creation. Looking forward to future posts from your study. Today, in the midst of my busyness in getting ready to leave for Uganda, I will be meditating on God as Creator. Thanks!

  8. Ohhh yes Shonni...amen and blessings.

    Beautiful photo and words to honor ELOHIM!

    Thank You Elohim for Shonni and her family created in Your image and so loved by You! Be with her each day as she enjoys all that You have created!


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