We had received our pre-approval for Asher and were feeling blessed and amazed that the LORD was bringing us back to China after 11 years (Kiana was our first child home through adoption and we waited 18 exciting months to bring her home). I had spent several days looking at the other adorable children that were apart of ASIA’s Hope Journey II, and I asked Marci if I could blog about some of them on my blog to (prayerfully) help these other children to find their families. I was excited to get to see a few of the videos from the time that ASIA was with the children during the camp. One little girl caught my attention in one of the videos. I asked Steve about the possibility of adopting 2 children, however, I already knew that we really could not look into bringing two children home right now, and he said as much. I asked ASIA if I could advocate for this little girl to help her family find her. I was given the O.K. About this time I found this song that just captured my heart. The song is called “Come Home, Beautiful” by Seth Primm. Here are the words and you can find the song on itunes.
"she’s an orphan of circumstance
she’s a hopeful desire
she’s awaiting redemption and love
and to be made free
and to be made free
she’s a girl in the margin
she’s a symbol of grace
she’s awaiting redemption and love
and to be made free
just to be set free
she’s a symbol of grace
she’s awaiting redemption and love
and to be made free
just to be set free
she is beautiful
but she has never known
a love that will never leave
someone to help her see
that she is beautiful
but she has never known
a love that will never leave
someone to help her see
that she is beautiful
she’s redeemed; she is loved
she’s the bride of the King
she’s adopted but she’s forgotten
the call of grace she’s recieved
a call to love those in need
she’s the bride of the King
she’s adopted but she’s forgotten
the call of grace she’s recieved
a call to love those in need
she is beautiful
she has fully known
the Love that will never leave
the birth of true belief
that He finds her beautiful
and He peeled off orphan clothes
and wrapped her in simple hope
that she will bring the desperate home
she has fully known
the Love that will never leave
the birth of true belief
that He finds her beautiful
and He peeled off orphan clothes
and wrapped her in simple hope
that she will bring the desperate home
she once was lost but now she’s found
was blind but now she sees
was blind but now she sees
we once were lost but now we’re found
were blind but now we see
were blind but now we see
we are beautiful
for You have given us
a love that will never leave
the birth of true belief
that You’ve made us beautiful
and You peeled off orphan clothes
and wrapped us in simple hope
that we could be found beautiful
for You have given us
a love that will never leave
the birth of true belief
that You’ve made us beautiful
and You peeled off orphan clothes
and wrapped us in simple hope
that we could be found beautiful
You are beautiful
You’ve made us beautiful
and wrapped us in simple hope
that we will bring the desperate home
You’ve made us beautiful
and wrapped us in simple hope
that we will bring the desperate home
Seth Primm & Seth Haines”
This song just spoke to my heart about little “Cherry”, and I wanted to do what ever I could to help her find her family. I had found out that this was not her 1st Hope Journey. She had been to the first one, and had not found her family.
More to come....
Thank you all for your sweet notes and loving support. I am so VERY grateful for you all!!!
I really love to hear how God speaks to people, especially with regard to families & children finding each other. Thank you for sharing...looking forward to reading the rest!
ReplyDeleteHow can you leave us hanging like that?! Can't wait to hear the rest of this story. :)
ReplyDeleteWe serve a mighty God! Praying with you Shonni and excited to watch God move mountains on behalf of these precious children :-D
ReplyDeleteWOW missed a few days....and look what happens....catching up on the wonderful GOD STORY!!!! :)
ReplyDeleteThese dear children wait and wait- it is so heartbreaking but sadness turns to joy when they find their forever family. Here she was waiting all along for you!! Exactly as God wanted it, in his perfect timing!!