Wednesday, April 15, 2009


We are suppose to have a Major snow storm in our area by tomorrow. The children are "overflowing" with cooped up energy and really for some warm weather. Well, I decided to splurge for a few new toys to get us through more snowy days...
musical instruments for the younger ones...
hool-a-hoops for the older ones...

a fun glitter ball, just because it was cool...

and bubbles. We might have to play with the bubbles in the bath tub since the garage will be to cold. I'm not sure if I can get 8 children in a bathtub though.


  1. I hope ya'll have a fun day tomorrow, full of music and bubbles:) That glitter ball does look cool.

  2. More snow???? Are you kidding me--I had no idea! Nooooooo----I want Spring :)

  3. Wow! Our air conditioner is blasting away... send them this way... we could go to the beach and dig up some critters!! Better yet! I could use all of that energy in the gardens down here!! Good luck with the bathtub... that is a Shonni picture waiting to happen!!!


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