Saturday, February 20, 2010

Snow Beauty


Yes, I made my little beauties stand out in the cold snow so that I could get these "snow beautiful" pictures of my pretty daughters before they went out on their date with their daddy for the "Father/Daughter Dance." (O.K., I worked hard on the grammar of that sentence....)


This is such a special evening for them and Steve loves it as much as his daughters do. He better stay in a few more years he could be dancing with 5 daughters!
I off to make eggs for supper and cupcakes for Landon's Birthday tomorrow.
Thank you all for your sweet comments about the new family room window treatments!!!


  1. Sounds like fun! Tell those beautiful girls (and handsome husband) that the Big D. Family says, "hello".

    :) :) :)

  2. What beautiful daughters you have & lovely pictures. The father/daughter dance sounds like a wonderful idea. Theres nothing like that over here.
    Hope they all enjoy their evening!
    Renata :)

  3. Beautiful girls! What a lucky daddy to be so honored to escort these girls to a dance! :)

  4. What a special time for them! They all look wonderful together! I hope they had fun!!!

  5. Oh my friend, those pics are absolutely STUNNING!!!! Wow---what beautiful girls you have. I hope they had the BEST time with Daddy :) Let us know how it went.

    Love you. Can't wait to see you on Friday :)

  6. Kalyn and Caress look absolutely beautiful!! How exciting for them!!


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