Friday, January 21, 2011


Live all the days of your life!”  Johathan Swift.
I saw this quote somewhere and thought how funny, because I was just actually thinking something like that this morning.  I want to LIVE each day, not sludge through them.  I want to be passionate each day, not weighed down.  I want to shine each day, not moodily get by.  
Ahhh, except for one little thing that frustrates me sin nature!  God’s child in me wants to LIVE and SHINE for His glory.  Yet, the sin in me wants to live and shine cuz it’s funner than being all down, tired and moody.  I think I need to look for the beauty and color I can find today.
Was that random or what?
Womanhood...can’t live with it, can’t get away from it.  
My prayer today is from great inspiration John Piper;
“Hallowed be Thy Name” - Father God, I pray that in all the world Your Name would be regarded as precious.
“Thy will be done on earth as in Heaven.”  My precious LORD, I pray that the hearts of my family would be changed to do Your will with the same zeal and purity that the angels have in Heaven.”
The sun is shinin’ in....time to make my bed an begin this day!
Loves to you all!


  1. "My precious LORD, I pray that the hearts of my family would be changed to do Your will with the same zeal and purity that the angels have in Heaven."

    Love that prayer!

  2. That is a great quote. I find that some days I am not really living each day to the fullest, but rather going thru it as a routine.

  3. Absolutely beautiful post, my friend. Thank you for the reminders today.

    I miss you.

  4. So agree- I want to live serving him with all my heart!

    BUT there are those days and there is that sinful nature- sometimes I lose the battle and the day is not joyful... But the next day is a new day and time to try again and pray my way through!

  5. What a great post! I stuggle with this same thing (isn't our sinful nature annoying). Today I choose to Live & enjoy each & every moment from the Lord!
    Hope you have a wonderful day


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