Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Counting Down

My last post as the substitute for Shonni and Kalyn since they will be arriving home tonight around 6:30pm. The time has past quickly. I was thanking God this morning that there were no major "incidents" while my ladies were gone. No sick children, no one injured, no big disasters, no major conflicts. All in all it has been relatively calm and smooth sailing. I have many to thank for that; the kids themselves, especially Caresse (the little mama), then there are the girls who filled in while I was gone (Adriene, Stephanie, Charlotte, Bethany and Hannah) and most importantly Shonni and Kalyn who have done such a great job with the children to begin with that they were no problem for daddy!

Times like these always increase my appreciation for Shonni and her work each and every day. I know it is taxing, emotionally draining, challenging and so much more, but actually doing it myself for two weeks only reminds me even more of what an incredible wife (and oldest daughter) I have. What Shonni does is amazing and the fruit of her efforts is admirable. I could not do what she does long term, but by God's grace and through His power she does it and does it well.

In her last email from London, Shonni said her clock was still off from all the times changes. They were up early and ready to explore the town! They did get some good sleep and good talk time together before their final leg of the trip home. There was still sadness leaving behind the people God has put in their hearts, but only God knows would fruit will be born from the relationships that been created.

Yesterday we went to the park for some fun, so I hope you enjoy some of our photos.

Today is final clean up and clear up and shopping to prepare the home for our ladies arrival. We are all ready and so are they!

Blessings to you all!

1 comment:

  1. I am excited about Shonni and Kalyn coming home, I am sure you must be more so. I am eager to hear of the journey and all that God ministered in and through them.

    Thanks for keeping us informed during their trip...I really enjoyed your posts.

    mama to 7
    one homemade and 6 adopted


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