Thursday, August 13, 2009

Grateful/Thankful Thursday

We met some new friends when we went to our favorite park to play today....
I'm thankful that the LORD puts us mothers together to encourage and enjoy each other...and it was so fun watching all of our children do what children will do in water (I forgot the swimsuits, oh well).
I'm grateful for the wonders of children...
can you guess what they found?
I'm so thankful for their curiosity that keeps my life fun.
The delights...
of being a child....
I am so grateful to the LORD for giving me this gift of motherhood!


  1. AMEN! AMEN!

    Oh how I love to watch life through their eyes.

    Glad you all had such a fun day!

    Hugs and love,

  2. Beautiful pictures, beautiful children! What a blessing it is to delight in them with each new day! Thank you Jesus!

  3. What fun, dear friend. What in the world is it with our kids and water?????

  4. Wonderful pictures as usual Shonni. I love the little frog in their precious hands!

  5. Shonni--so glad to have your blog to read, and it was SO fun to meet you and your family yesterday! It was a beautiful sight to see all of our children playing together and having such a great time in that lake. It is so inspiring to meet a family so far down the road that we are just beginning to walk.

    Thanks for your blog address!
    Lindy (Trevor and Masyn's mom)

  6. these are fun, fantastic pictures of summer!!!!


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